
Internal Party Memo: Obama's Vice Presidential Lackey

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I am merely worker here at the people's hope-powered electricity generating plant. I think this memo was sent to me in error.

Humbly yours, please don't hurt my family, respectfully submitted,

Intra party memo: [for party official's eyes only - use decryption algorithm B - delete choices that prove unpopular in polls of captive media idiots]

Barak [expurgated for security reasons] Obama, who goes into next week's coronation convention with a strong and unscrupulous financial advantage over Senator McCain, has selected as his vice presidential lackey:

Hillary Clinton, the senator from Arkansas, China, New York;

Evan Bayh, the senator from Indiana; and

Tim Kaine, the governor of Virginia; and

Kathleen Sebelius, the governor of Kansas; and yet

Bill Richardson, the governor of New Mexico; and still

Sam Nunn, former senator from Georgia; and even

John Kerry, the former progressive party presidential candidate and one of Lord Obama's most vocal bankers backers; and of course

Al Gore; that guy with the climatology cult.

On Saturday night, the two candidates squared off for their first joint event in consecutive one-hour interviews at the not-so-progressive Saddleblack church in Southern California. Neither candidate slipped up – especially not B._. Obama, who elicited murmurs from the reactionaries in the audience when he responded to a question about abortion by quipping that it was “above my pay grade”. Naturally, we will work to raise his pay grade to infinity, even if we need to reduce the proletariat to zero. [It is important for party operatives to insist that this was a “quip”, “joke”, or if a straight face cannot be maintained, that the premise that B_O does not know all the answers is “racially motivated” and “divisive”.] B.H. Obama was brilliant when he noted that the three wisest people he would seek advice from were his militant wife Michelle, who has no qualifications but “wears the pants in our family” his “typical white person” grandmother, who has no discernable education or relevant experience, and the entire leftist wing of the Dhimmicratic party.

Further updates will be provided concerning the announcement as the potential VP lackey candidates self-destruct, or the list is winnowed down by Michelle and Granny.

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Mmmm - memo leaves out most glorious VP choice, Senator Joseph ("I did not get my hair transplant plugs from a mattress!") Biden, who is regarded as Party's greatest expert on foreign policy by virtue by his ability of being able to find Delaware on a regular basis. Unfortunately, he is wrong race and sex for the Party of Diversity. Perhaps Obama should follow the lead of JFK (who selected his brother RFK as AG in 1961) and choose Michelle for VP! Now, that's change we can believe will fall out of our pockets and into the toilet!

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Joe ("I tried but I never could run on my own") Biden might be too alpha for B_O. The pundits say he needs someone with foreign policy credentials on the ticket, but that is projecting a rational thinking process and reasonable judgment. B_O doesn't need that nonsense, he spent a whole week overseas seeing the sights and reading a teleprompter, therefore he is now more qualified than anyone else.

Go marxism!

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[HIGHLIGHT=#ffffff]Biden :[/HIGHLIGHT] "I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy,"

[HIGHLIGHT=#ffffff]Obama: [/HIGHLIGHT]“um, uh, I would not have nominated Clarence Thomas. Uh, I don't think that he uh, uh, ah, uh, I, I, don't think that he was an exp…[experienced] uh, a strong enough jurist or legal thinker uh, at the time…”

On second thought, it looks like a dream ticket to me. As long as McCain picks someone who is not a marxist, the coronation should go ahead as planned. See you in the breadlines, comrade.