
....It is here

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OMG!!! please watch this. I know it's 12 mins long, but if there wasn't a "cursed to repeat history" moment, this would be it. Especially starting at 4:17. Maxine Waters anyone?

4:30 anyone recognize this fire starter from current news reports?
6:20 riot justice being served to innocent people.
7:40 aww look at all the peaceful #Occupiers

Stick you head in the sand, or just outright deny, it's about to come to you doorstep.The ends (beatings, rioting, killing, burning, total anarchy) justify the means (whatever the hell that is, all I'm told is some white guy killed a black kid)

The People's Justice is evoked from the Mob Proletariat by a cadre of provocateurs and constitutes the worker bee part of the avant guard of the Revolution. Just yesterday was the anniversary of the Cincinnati riots of 1884. The Mob masses (and Press) were outraged by a jury that returned a manslaughter verdict rather than murder. In the course of the riot....."A crowd tore the blinds from the house of L Phillips in Liberty street, and threw dead cats and rotten eggs through the windows before discovering they had the wrong Phillips, not a member of the jury." Provocateur Agent Spike Lee, in the last day or so, tweeted the wrong address for one Mr. Zimmerman. And so now a headline: "Elderly Couple In Fear Over Spike Lee Tweet" Naturally the Revolution will cause collateral damage. The 72 and 70 year old couple should accept the fact that a few eggs will get broken making the omelette for Next Tuesday's breakfast.

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Do not think that tweet was innocent, it was deliberately callculated. As is obvious to any of us progs, once you reach a certain age (roughly 40), your usefullness to the party and the world diminishes. At ages 70 and 72 those two are merely drains upon society, barnacles if you will, and an attempt to have the proles euthanize them saves resources, time and energy for everybody.