
It's Getting Awfully Stinky Around Here

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We are knee deep in poop. Between the Stimulus Package, the Financial Reform Act, and ObamaCare, the Rethuglicans, and even the Independents have gotten such a whiff of our poop, that it's difficult to cover up the stink. Have you no pride in covering up your do do?

For goodness sakes, it's just under four weeks before election rigging time, and we haven't done our annual clean up. Like Comrade Theocritus, those on our side are happily wallowing in it, not even realizing how it smells to the other side.

Marshall Pupovich is even bragging about leaving his droppings wherever he goes. Jeez.

Why is everyone so relaxed around here? Don't you understand that the Rethuglicans are about to sweep our dearest comrades right out of office?

Will you really just be happy with the havoc they can reap during the lame duck poop session? Is that going to be enough for you, until the next crop of Jiffi-Loboed voters comes along and votes them back in?

Comrade Whoopie, can you help me cattle prod our other comrades into at least covering up the stink until election night? You, too, Fraulein.

Let's try to spruce things up a little. Can anyone come up with a new slogan? Hope and Change is so covered with stains, it doesn't even look like the Pepsi logo any more.

Are any of you willing to take your vodka ration and use it for sanitizer. Even a little is going to help.

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Comrade Leninka!!!
That is the smell of success and victory. That stench is merely a few bodies that need covering, some leftovers from *passed legislation, and the rose that is Hope and Change. Fundamental change of this capitalist country isn't going to be stink free. You can't drain the proverbial swamp of Washinton coruption without dredging up some foul smelling debris. Even Dear Leader is known for drawing flies and rats to this glorious aroma. We need to let this smell ferment and spread in order to make country aware of the glorious change that has come.

* Current regime gives new meaning to passed legislation.

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Comrade Groucho,

What you say is true, but it seems to me, that we usually put some perfume on everything in order to get the Peloski's and the Reids re-elected. See, there's an example right there. Dear Harry is behind in his polling. He's got so much poop on him, you'd have to use a jack hammer at this point to break it off. He hasn't washed since the stimulus package. Someone needs to get him cleaned up before November.

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The Peoples Scientists ™ once again answer the call!
We should rush a truckload to Comrade Grayson immediately.


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Leninka, I am shocked that a Progressive of your caliber wouyld be spreading defeatist rumors. THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NO CHANCE THAT THE PARTY WILL FALTER IN THE UPCOMING ELECTIONS. It is an impossibility; the dialectic is clear on that point. We have been in power for almost two years, and during that time we have boldly reformed the system for the common good, tirelessly smiting the wealthy for the benefit of the poor, and consistantly gathering our wayward chics under the benevolent wings of our ever-increasing government mother hen. The voters will respond with loud cries of acclaim as they march to the polls as one man on that glorious Tuesday, reaffirming their commitment to Hope and Change, chanting "Yes We Can!" as they jiggle the handle for the Democratic straight ticket (note for future action, we need to come up with some new term for voting the Party line; that just rings too heterocentric to be politically correct).

No, Leninka, the People have had it adequately demonstrated that we know better than they, that we are smarter than they, and that we will make better decisions than they concerning every aspect of their petty little lives. As our beloved President has stated, they should be saying thank you for all we have done to them. We have absolutely nothing to worry about come election day, if we will but run our candidates on their records.

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Fear not, Leninka. The Oktober Surpize ™ will soon swamp the mental midgets oppressed masses that make up the voting Kollektive. After that, they will put us back into an even stronger position of tyranny power, all for The Children ™ , of course.

And if that fails, well, that's what the People's hammer and sickle is for, is it not?


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I feel your pain, most loyal Comradette Leninka (and are we not all so pleased and pleasured at the stink cover-up Comrade Shovel has been doing... btw, I'd like to order 10... please bill them to my Personal Stimuli Package Benefit)

You must remember, we have more peoples than they have peoples. We have hundreds of thousand of loyal ACORN & Mafia Union peoples who have not only been told how, where, when and how often to vote, but we have thousands of dead voters, ready to vote!
Why, I myself have beloved dog(s) - Charlie Pulloskies the 1st, 2nd, 3rd.... (you get the idea) ..... &24th who will be voting for Comrade Democrats!

btw, umm, this IS a PRIVATE FORUM is it not??? you don't have sneaky reichwinggers watching and copying to send to attorney's correct?!!!

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Leninka, I have just the slogan...

"What is Past is Prologue"

For those in Rio Linda, that means what you've seen before is just the beginning. If you like what Obama has done already, just you wait and see what he has planned for the next 2 years.

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outhouse seat.jpg
If the filthy capitalists can have " Lincoln Logs", why should we not have " Lenin Logs" or " Obama Logs "? They could be kept in the storage box shown in this photo. What a great "Winter Solstice Celebration Days" gift idea !( Don't be one of those who doesn't give a "crap". )

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Oh and regarding those "October surprises" I foresee a different tactic this year. The GOP will be anticipating such trickery in Oct. However this time we're gonna pull a Nov. surprise. It begins Nov. 3rd and drags out as long as necessary. The victory of comrade Al Franken has shown us the way.

In every tight election (including those in which the Republican wins by what most would call a comfortable margin) we'll contest the results and demand recounts. During that interval we'll magically manufacture discover as many absentee ballots as necessary to win. In the process, valid GOP votes will be tossed out by Democrat election judges. Finally our Democrat Secretaries of State will validate the results once we accumulate enough of the vote to guarantee our candidate will be sworn in.

Even as we speak teams of SEIU volunteers are printing up blank absentee ballots while our ACORN cadre is forging the signitures of necro-proxy voters. Truckloads of these ballots will be shipped to every State where our candidates are facing defeat.

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Comrade Leninka,
Remember the great saying about we progressives are what we eat! You'll feel better after another "Obama Shit Sandwich." It's what we've been serving the lowly proles for years!


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Leninka wrote:Comrade Groucho,

What you say is true, but it seems to me, that we usually put some perfume on everything in order to get the Peloski's and the Reids re-elected. See, there's an example right there. Dear Harry is behind in his polling. He's got so much poop on him, you'd have to use a jack hammer at this point to break it off. He hasn't washed since the stimulus package. Someone needs to get him cleaned up before November.

Comradess Leninka....

Why don't you lend Dingy Harry some of the Janitor in a Drum I gave you a while back?

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Comrade Groucho,

Of course, the longer one spends in the outhouse, the more one gets used to the stink. To Nanski, Capitol Hill must smell like cinnamon rolls.

Comrade Peabody,

Of course, we always have the other two branches of government to keep people in line.

Comrade Fraulein,

Yes, there's always the dead, and don't forget the Alzheimer Waling Dead Brigade - from nursing home to nursing home, we can fill out their ballots for them korrectly.

Comrade Krasnodor,

That one-seater reminds me of my childhood.

Comrade Whoopie,

Yes, the next two years will be one surprise after another. Dear Leader has yet to re-instate the Fairness Doctrine, via the FCC, for one.

Proletarian Robot,

What a delicious looking sandwich that little girl is about to eat. Of course, everything we do is "For the Children."

Comrade Boris,

Dipping Dingy in a vat of extra strength detergent is a wonderful idea. And if he comes out green, that will be an added bonus.


Your avatar gives a new definition to "Pants on the Ground."

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The solution is to have a wild party at your place!

When all the guests are present, begin to pass out shovels and buckets. Lock the doors and windows so none can escape!

Everybody will have a great time because you will have screwed them all!

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The best Progs always remember to re-cycle everything and this includes all midterm de-stinkification excess.


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Comrade Tooorisky,

Yes. I think a party is a good idea. I wonder if I can get Dear Leader to come to the party. He's going to India for 12 days, you know. Well, I suppose we can wait for him to return. I hope that will be soon enough before the election.

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Comrade Gulag 4 Alfred,

I can see that all the left over fiber from Michelle's "Victory Garden" that the MSM doesn't use is being put to good use. "Waste" not, want not....

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Comrades, fear not! This is all part of The Party's clever plan, Operation: Blame the Republicans. You may have seen an earlier version of this if you were around back in the 90s. Rethugs win in November, "lame duck" session of Congress rams through more Progressive HopeNChange™. Rethugs take control of Congress in January and are immediately blamed for everything that's going wrong, Beloved Leader whines like a petulant child about all the things the Rethug majority is doing to prevent him from saving the country, appoints more not-Czars and uses Executive Orders and recess appointments as much as possible.

If, by some chance, the economy improves, it's all thanks to the work of the Beloved 0ne. If things continue to tank, it's all the fault of the Rethug controlled Congress. The Rethug Congress is blamed for taking government "help", such as health care, away from the growing ranks of the poor and unemployed. 2012 rolls around with Beloved Leader as either a hero or a victim (possibly both) but not responsible for anything "bad" that might have occurred in this difficult but necessary transition to the Glorious Progressive World of Next Tuesday™.

Rethugs over-estimate their alleged popularity and run a candidate that makes Gerald Ford look like a visionary on an "At Least He's Not Obama" platform. Result? Four more years (at least) of HopeNChange™ with The Party regaining the control of Congress that is our birthright.

How do I know The Party can do such things? One phrase Comrades: Senator Al Franken.

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Commissar M,

That is quite an astute observation of exactly how both the Rethuglican and Progressives behave. Lame Rethuglicans. We are always able to outsmart them, even after they think they have won big.

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I am a firm believer in letting the class enemy do themselves in whenever possible. The Rethugs have a long history of stealing defeat from the jaws of victory and in this election cycle, they have proven more adept at destroying their own than fighting against our Demokrat puppets. No amount of $oro$ Bux can buy the amount of P.R. ammo we got from Karl Rove (of all people) going on Fox News (of all places) and attacking Christine O'Donnell for having the temerity to beat the"undefeatable" Mike Castle. Truly glorious!

I have half a mind to start a "Pick Your Most Awful 2012 Candidate" poll to choose an "acceptable moderate" spineless, simpering, establishment RINO for the country club Republicans to support for President. People like Charlie Crist or Lindsay Graham come to mind and I think even Michael Bloomberg would be an excellent (BAD) choice.

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Yes, the streets of New York must seem ever so polluted that RINOS like Michael Bloomberg cant' detect the difference between the smell of a $50.00 hamburger, a good New York Pizzaria, and the latest green gestapo approved alfalfa sprout-hummus pita bread sandwich cuisine, but of course, his apartment is likely regularly well sanitized by a likely undocumented worker, to the extent that he need not pay attention to the subtle differences between various city smells. Nevertheless, he calls himself a Rethuglican, so as to satisfy the need of voters who just want to vote for the opposite of whom they deem out of favor (because secretly we are all greedy capitalists).

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I am not a greedy kapitalist!
(Does anyone have any rubles I can borrow until the next beet rations are distributed?)

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Leninka wrote:Comrades,

We are knee deep in poop. Between the Stimulus Package, the Financial Reform Act, and ObamaCare, the Rethuglicans, and even the Independents have gotten such a whiff of our poop, that it's difficult to cover up the stink. Have you no pride in covering up your do do?

For goodness sakes, it's just under four weeks before election rigging time, and we haven't done our annual clean up. Like Comrade Theocritus, those on our side are happily wallowing in it, not even realizing how it smells to the other side.

Marshall Pupovich is even bragging about leaving his droppings wherever he goes. Jeez.

Why is everyone so relaxed around here? Don't you understand that the Rethuglicans are about to sweep our dearest comrades right out of office?

Will you really just be happy with the havoc they can reap during the lame duck poop session? Is that going to be enough for you, until the next crop of Jiffi-Loboed voters comes along and votes them back in?

Comrade Whoopie, can you help me cattle prod our other comrades into at least covering up the stink until election night? You, too, Fraulein.

Let's try to spruce things up a little. Can anyone come up with a new slogan? Hope and Change is so covered with stains, it doesn't even look like the Pepsi logo any more.

Are any of you willing to take your vodka ration and use it for sanitizer. Even a little is going to help.


At times like these I am reminded of the great Progressive Jesse Jackson's words:

"Keep Hope Alive"

I also recommend a new theme song for us

In so many ways, it is symbolic of our Progressive struggle.

-Papa Obama is the "wave" to turn upside down the US "ship"
-we have to turn everything upside down to give us a "morning after"
-Yes it will cause panic in the masses
-Some may get hurt or killed in the process-

But, if we can just make it through the night, good things will come- WE WILL FIND THE SUNSHINE

So touching- It brings a tear to this old comrade's heart
(Plus, it is performed by someone named McGovern- how can we go wrong?)

I'm am sure if we combine this song with a few unicorn pictures- all will work out for us.
We can bring back that "magic"
