
Jedi try to kill Justin Trudeau

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While visiting the construction site of a new Canadian Gulag, our great hero Dear Leader Trudeau was attacked by lightsaber wielding Jedi knights. After changing into his lizard form, Justin was able to slay and devour his would-be assassins. He muttered something about "unlimited power" and went on to cancel the Intergalactic Senate. When informed there was no such thing, Justin cried for a while until images of riot police trampling protesting citizens brought his smile back. 

Long live glorious leader "Stalin-of-the-North" Trudeau!


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Unfortunately, comrade True dat  Turdeau Trudeau has abandoned his dictatorship due to unfavourable  polling data and a senate that seems uninclined to support the dictatorship. You just can't find good dictators any more, even in such a favourable employment environment. What's the point in being a dictator if you have to pay attention to people?