
Joe and Kamala's Plan to BEAT DEATH

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Joes Plan to BEAT COVID-19, Resized.jpg
Ronald Reagan was a liar. The ten scariest words in the English language are not "I'm here from the government, and I'm here to help."

You can certainly trust Joe Biden. Joe and Kamala's plan to BEAT COVID-19 is no less than the assurance of the God-given rights of every American to be free from doubt, to be free from worry, to be free from fear, to be free from want, and to be free from sickness, disease, and even death itself.

Is this not what freedom and liberty mean? To be free from the cares and concerns that plague everyone of us at some time or another in our lives? Come on, man.

Elect Joe and Kamala on November 3rd, and I promise you this coming glorious Tuesday your greatest fears will be dispelled and your greatest dreams will come true. You will never have to go to church on Sunday again.

For additional information about Joe Kamal's plan, please visit him at his campaign headquarters.

I'm Joe Biden, and I approve this message.

Paid for by the F.O.S.* F.O.S. is a section 509-c political action committee (PAC) organized under the laws of the state of Washington, D.C.

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Is this one of those five year plans to Improve™ our lives and restore our Freedoms™ to Choose™?

"Your Free™ to Choose™ to stay at home and hide in your basement or you can Choose™ to be arrested."

Kind of like when a sargent asks for volunteers and then designates who the volunteers will be.