
John Kasich to Speak at DNC Convention for Joe Biden

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John Kasich (Rino-OH), the Republican ex-governor turned critic of President Donald Trump, is expected to speak at the Democratic National Convention next month in support of Joe Biden, according to the Associated Press.

It's a move that would be unthinkable just a few years ago, when, as governor, Kasich clashed with Democrats on a range of issues, from abortion to collective bargaining for public employees.

John Kasich.jpg

Will Mr. Kasich become Joe Biden's VP pick? We could then have a combined Democrat/Republican ticket. Just imagine the excited reaction from the Bernie Bros, the Squad, and die-hard Trump supporters!

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Antonio Salazarinski wrote:... Will Mr. Kasich become Joe Biden's VP pick? ...
Um, VP? No, no. But... how 'bout Secretary of US Department of Mailmanship?

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Antonio Salazarinski wrote:
Will Mr. Kasich become Joe Biden's VP pick?
only if he takes a moment to publicly identify as a left-handed immigrant mooslimical trans-lesbino non-binary unicorn-kin of color...

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Some 2016 memorabilia...

