
John McCain offers $50/hour to harvest The People's Lettuce

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Our friends at the AFL-CIO offer us this story about how John McCain has graciously offered jobs to the soon to be displaced automotive workers for Ford and GM. The union workers will be hauled in boxcars to their final destination in Yuma, Arizona where they will work on the state farm, where they will harvest iceberg and romaine lettuce for the masses to enjoy this coming May Day.

Former Ford machinist, Mike Reynolds, picks kale from the state run farm in Yuma, Arizona.


Let us not forget...


Manuel came to this country speaking no English and worked his way up from strawberry picker in Salinas, Ca. to assembly line worker and union rep. in Dearborn, Mi. Today, Manuel enjoys coming back to his roots and getting away from the competitive capitalist system that only paid a measley $27-30/hour. Now, Manuel makes nearly double that amount thanks to John McCain's new harvest-to-citizenship program.


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Alas, John McCain gives into the progressive agenda offering the working class a decent living wage! I suppose he will sell-out his party of exploitive hard work and join with Her Excellency Comrade Hillary Iron Rod Clinton as Vice-Premier of the U.S.S.A much like he was going to do with that one man in 04' ummm..... what is his name?? Ugh, I cant recall his name but you know who I am talking about....

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Actually, I'm feeling in the mood for a hamburger...