
John McCain: Women should avoid military service

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John McCain: Women should avoid military service until sexual misconduct crisis solved.


What the hell is McCain talking about this time?

Situation room: Discussion about ficticious military sex scandals

I see absolutely nothing wrong with this picture. McCain is a damn LIAR!


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There is better way to be making living money, to quote glorious Comrade Bill 'BJ' Clinton. Womanly kind should not be in military killing peoples and comrades alike and causing "work place violence"!! They should be doing what they do best, whatever that is!!

Take these women -- they are industrious and eager to make money. WE DO NOT NEED WOMEN IN MILITARY HAVING BABIES AND KILLING AND DOING THE "DOWN AND DIRTY" CLINTON DEEDS (whatever that might be).

Join these womanhood's and take to the streets! Protest your right to protest your rights.... not to be killing!!


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I have an even better idea. Let's suspend the military until the sexual misconduct crisis is solved.

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This McCain is overreacting to what is simply workplace flirting. Better flirting than violence.

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It is clear that Comrade McCain (thanks for throwing that first election, just as the Party planned it!) was not present for Dear Leader's (PBUH) oratory on military retention and replenishment to the Joint Chiefs... (he loves that title--"JOINT" chief!)

Recruiters will be returned to marksmanship training assignments for the Homeland Security Stazi. Military replenisment will be accomplished by breeding. (think FORWARD!) Males and she-males will simply iterbreed amongst each unit, their offspring will be assigned into young pioneer style camp until old enough to sign their own enlistment documents. While in the elitist procedure of gestation, she-males will be assigned to Pre-natal battalions at each installation. Once delivered (no abortions of government property allowed!) new maternal units will be permitted six additional weeks of special duty as"milch-frau"until their next ovulation.

Dear Leader (PBUH) thinks of everything he reads in USA Today!

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Our gradual undermining of the USSA military proceeds at a brisk pace. However, it is a well established fact that pregnancies in the Air force and Marines lag well behind the pace established by our Naval comrades. This disparity must be resolved without delay. In addition, sexual assault cases in all branches must be equalized before further progress can be achieved - and by whatever means available.

At headquarters we have been preparing for the LGBTU (U=undecided) assault beginning later this year. The "do ask, do tell" promotional literature has been printed and is ready for distribution. There is much anticipation in the ranks of new recruits regarding this program.

Finally, certain faculty at the War College have been softening up both the press and congress for a final battle with the so called "professorate". It is now time for our military colleges to begin hiring and promoting civilian professors to instruct our future military officers. Only then can we effectively instill a new tradition of equality and fairness in our troops and secure peace throughout the world.