
Kerry Promises Syria Will Become Like Libya

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Dear Comrades,

The Socialist Democratic Party of the USSA, under the glorious leadership of Party Chairman and Future President Barack Barackovich Obama, has assured the People's Congress that all actions taken in Syria under the Comrade Obama's ‘Organizing for Arabia' program will be as successful as his plan has been in Libya. State Security General-Secretary Comrade John Kerry, in speaking before the People's Senate, assured the Deputies that 'Organizing for Arabia' would bring peace and prosperity to Syria.

After the removal of the reactionary Capitalist Moammar Kaddafi, American assistance in Libya has helped hometown democracy to flourish, where local communities are organizing neighborhood by neighborhood to reclaim control they lost under the repressive regime of Kaddafi. Though there was a slight setback during the accidental death of Ambassador Chris Stevens during an ‘American Appreciation' event staged by locals grateful for USSA assistance, the overall direction of Libya is exactly what Comrade Obama intends for Syria.

However, Comrade Kerry also assured the People's Senate deputies that the present ‘Organizing for Arabia' strategy is to not immediately remove Assad as Comrade Obama previously demanded, but rather take away his other legal military options so that he will have fewer means to resist the enemies of oppression, the Free Syrian Army. Obviously, Assad will never again use chemical weapons if all his other means of resistance are taken from him, and the People's Military has determined that actually removing the chemical weapons is too risky.

Comrade Kerry also told the People's Senate that this would not lead to a war, nor would any USSA Military Organizers operating under the ‘Organizing for Arabia' fleet group be put in harm's way. He concluded by stating that as Party Chairman, Comrade Obama expects the complete cooperation of the People's Congress as he sets out to lead his military into yet another victory for Progressivism.

Deputies who vote against the Party will be held personally liable for any further atrocities in the region and will be executed for war crimes as necessary.

'Organizing for Arabia' will make the whole Middle East like one big Libya! Peace and Prosperity for the Arab world through the establishment of a Socialist Bedouin's Paradise!

Faithfully submitted to the Collective of the People's Cube,
Comrade Nomenklatura-climber
Dialectical Progressivism Translator

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Why doesn't Dear Leader Obama ask the The Children™ what should be done about Syria?

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To be certain that the organizational efforts are not misundertood all ships and planes deployed will be emblazoned by Naval Station Great Lakes personnel with the international symbol of peaceful community organization. In this way, if a missile happens to be accidentally launched by some nervous seaman the Syrans will know that no actual war was or is intended, that it was just an unfortunate "action," and they should not shoot back.


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Nomenklatura-climber wrote: 'Organizing for Arabia' will make the whole Middle East like one big Libya! Peace and Prosperity for the Arab world through the establishment of a Socialist Bedouin's Paradise!
