
Laughter is the best medicine.......

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Fellow travelers.

It seems as though our Dear Leader and his propaganda minister have taken their articulate and downright hilarious communication skills on the road. How glorious it is to see our President reduce extend the dignity of the office to the bully-pulpit of "two-drink minimums" and "open mic nights" across our 57 states. For all the Czars who tried to advise the President to articulate his failures accomplishments with seriousness and substance, it appears as though Chairman-O has finally rejected such meaningless tactics and finally listened to the advice of Red Square. As for me, I say, It's about time!



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It's amazing how smooth and cunning Dear Leader is. Such... panache! If anyone knows about cars and ditches—and can integrate them into "humor for dullards"—it's our Dear Leader!

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Go easy on him komrades, he's only reading what's on the teleprompter...

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Dear Leader is always making for us the laughter and it was most funny when he was to be making joke for the retard special olympics.

But one must never make for the laughter of the golf game of the Dear Leader because he is being shining example of the exercise. And we know how much we must be in the good physical shape so as not to be of the burden on the Obamacare.

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Ladies and Gentleman!!! Live from the Washington D.C. IMPROV where they make it up daily, Let's give it up for Baracky "He's Insane" Obomba.

Great crowd here tonight.....

Hey my daughter says, "Dad, they plug that Ho yet?" Ask your mother Rimshot

Hey know VP Cheney shot a lawyer in the face. That's nothing VP Biden shot off his mouth.

Which one of the 57 states is this? Rimshot

Guy in Iraq gets wounded and calls for the medic. Then says, I'm only wounded, why did you send the "Corpseman" Rimshot

But seriously folks. Have you seen the latest unemployment numbers.
Nobody has....... Rimshot

Can't go to Arizona this year. They ask for birth certificates Rimshot

I guess you saw the Chelsea wedding, I wanted to go but I was acting like a gay scout master and stiffing boy scouts. Rimshot

Bill said he wanted me to be there to but he already had someone to serve the coffee. Rimshot

You think these jokes are bad you should meet my writer Rimshot

Ya'll been a great crowd, just like typical white people. Rimshot

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President, Messiah, comedian, hole-plugger, ass-kicker, and now insurance salesman. Is there anything that this man (truly more equal than other men) cannot do? I'm going down to my local polling station tonight so that I can be the first one in line to vote for him in 2012, and 2016, and 2020, and forever.

Now, once again, do I take the blue pill or the red pill? Oh wait, it would have to be the red pill, wouldn't it?

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ImageNice avatar choice, but I thought no avatar and name Great Stalin's Ghost was quite effective also, kind of creepy.

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Ladies and Gentlemen: Heeeeeeerrrrrreeeees BARACKY "I'm Insane" Obambaaaaaaaa

Hey folks how you doing to tonight.

Let me be clear Rimshot

I don't write 'em, I just read 'em Rimshot

You heard Sarah say I got no Cojones. Rimshot

Wait that wasn't the joke. Rimshot

Anyway, they don't call it Air Force One for nothing Rimshot

You know I'm the most popular pick down at the sperm bank.... How bout a little hand there? Rimshot

Seriously I just flew in from donating. Boy is my arm tired. Rimshot

All those women going to be punished .......with a baby Rimshot

I know ya'll ain't laughing with me. You're laughing at me..Rimshot

Ya'll been great.....

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ThePeoplesComrade wrote:ImageNice avatar choice, but I thought no avatar and name Great Stalin's Ghost was quite effective also, kind of creepy.

I like Comrade Stalin's avatar. It reminds me of Chief Inspector Clouseau in an Elvis disguise.

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Groucho Marxist wrote:
I know ya'll ain't laughing with me. You're laughing at me..Rimshot

Ya'll been great.....

Good one liners Groucho, I'm laughing all the way to the sperm bank.

Of course we're really not laughing at him, we're laughing with him...laughing at him.

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Comrade Groucho... you are forgetting most famous of the one liners...

Take my wife... please

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El Presidente wrote:
ThePeoplesComrade wrote:ImageNice avatar choice, but I thought no avatar and name Great Stalin's Ghost was quite effective also, kind of creepy.

I like Comrade Stalin's avatar. It reminds me of Chief Inspector Clouseau in an Elvis disguise.
El Presidente and The People's Comrade,

Creepy? Disguise? Not when I'm out cruising in my original, Soviet made T-Bird. It's me the girls are all looking at.

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Mrs Al Czarweary wrote:Comrade Groucho... you are forgetting most famous of the one liners...

Take my wife... please
Obamba: "No Takers?" Rimshot

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Who is this Don Rickles person? He should be shot! Here is some of his so-called humor. Personally, I don't get it.

Hello, dummies! Oh my God, look at you. Anyone else hurt in the accident?

Seriously, Senator Reid has a face of a Saint - A Saint Bernard. Now I know why they call you the arithmetic man. You add partisanship, subtract pleasure, divide attention, and multiply ignorance. Reid is so physically unimposing, he makes Pee Wee Herman look like Mr. T. And Reid's so dumb, he makes Speaker Pelosi look like an intellectual. Nevada is soooo screwed! If I were less polite, I'd say Reid makes Kevin Federline look successful.

Speaking of the Speaker ... Nancy Pelosi, hubba, hubba! Hey baby, you must've been something before electricity.
Seriously, the Speaker may look like an idiot and talks like an idiot but don't let that fool you. She really is an idiot.

Charlie Rangel ... still alive and still robbing the taxpayers blind. What does that make, six decades of theft?
Rangel's the only man with a rent-controlled mansion. He's the guy who writes our tax laws but forgot to pay taxes on $75 grand in rental income! So why isn't he the Treasury Secretary? Rangel runs more scams than a Nigerian Banker.

Barney Frank ... he's a better actor than Fred Flintstone. Consider that he and Dodd caused the whole financial meltdown, and they're not only not serving time with Bubba and Rodney, they're still heading up the financial system!
Let's all admit it ... Barney Frank slobbers more than a sheepdog on Novocain.. How did this guy get elected? Oh, that's right ... he's from Massachusetts . That's the state that elects Mr. Charisma, John Kerry -- man of the people!

You know, if Senator Dodd were any more crooked, you could open wine bottles with him.
Here's a news flash, Dodd: when your local newspaper calls you a "lying weasel," it may be time to retire.
Dodd's involved in more shady deals than the Clintons . Even Rangel looks up to him!

Press Secretary Robert Gibbs, I really respect you ... especially given your upbringing - All you've overcome. I heard your birth certificate is an apology from the condom factory. I don't know what makes you so dumb, but it really works for you. Personally, I don't think you're a fool, but what's my opinion compared to that of thousands of others?