
Let Us Pray

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If we must tolerate religion, the opiate of the masses, then it should at least be a collective religion. Thankfully, a giant ecumenical step has been taken in allowing our Muslim comrades to pray at the National Cathedral.

After all, didn't Jesus say, "I am one way but there are many ways"? As least that must have been what he intended to say before all the chauvinistic, corrupted translations.

Seriously, you can't be so intolerant as to believe that a Christian cathedral should be exclusively for, well ... Christians.

let us pray 600.jpg

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Well, comrade, seeing that picture almost makes me want to pray… (key word there is "almost".

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Is there not a typo in that caption? Should it not have been "Let us prey"?

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When I was in college, we took a field trip to the National Cathedral to sing Christian songs. I'm pretty sure we were not the only college choirs to be invited there with the same intention. Every choir that sings there sounds fantastic. After all, it's a cathedral with awesome acoustics!

I also know Muslim advocates know this as well. All they need is the camel nose inserted into the tent of Christianity, the National Cathedral. That makes the National Cathedral theirs!

Nice work, Oleander. Nice.

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RedDiaperette wrote:Is there not a typo in that caption? Should it not have been "Let us prey"?
Let us prey upon the rich, comrade.