
Loucher Slepski, Hero of the Revolution.

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Comrades, with great joy I can report from Pittsburgh that the proletarians will rally around Hope and Deranged Change Some More Of The Same™ come the Next Glorious Tuesday Revolution. VP Joe Biden received a tumultuous welcome in the St. Obama Day parade as signs proclaiming his O'Liness was evident throughout the crowd. The crowd roared "Boo!" as Joe passed by (which is Pittsburghese yinzer dialect for "Barack Obama is the One") which totally invigorated Biden to sprint as fast as he could to get back to Barack and tell him that victory is close at hand. The real hero of the day was Loucher Slepski, who showed her love for Barack and Biden and proclaimed it the greatest moment of her life in just seeing Joe. ... LV8cjIESz4


*A quick search of Loucher Slepski in the court records of Pennsylvania showed that she was convicted of food stamp fraud amongst other criminal activity. Yes, Laika couldn't make this crap up if Laika tried. Slepski is a certified MADE PROLE.

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Finally! Someone has the courage to report the truth instead of only rethuglican negatives and misperceptions.

As a faithful reporter of treason by my friends and neighbors and as a good Red Fascist I am here to report that not all uselful idiots' voices are being silenced. Useful idiots and gutless cowardly liberals are not as extinct as our faithful media has attempted to make them seem.

Leonard Pitts Jr, a Trotskyite, [only in satire my friend] asks in a recent article about Dear Leader's lack of due process in the droning of an American in Yemen. In typical Commie double speak we are told that the denial of due process is not the same as the denial of judicial process. Mr Pitts does not buy the shovel ready explanation. A lawyer recognizes such double speak as distinction searching for a difference: To deny judicial process it to deny due process. To the flunkies in the White Mansion, lipstick on a pig does not transform the pig.
Other courageous liberals [please tolerate the apparent oxymoron for just a bit more] are exposed in the Hillsdale College paper, Imprimis entitled this quarter as "Blasphemy or Free Speech" ... 2&month=02

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Joe was uninvited and sent on a mission. The parade committee was not pleased. He was told "No sponsor, no parade". The mayor and county executive intervened. Pittsburgh's St. Patrick's Day Parade is the second largest in the world after NYC. A quarter to half a million people turn out every year. It takes a lot of year round planning to produce it. Calling up the committee a week before and crashing the event with the twisting of arms made a ton enemies, not to mention the Secret Service having (not by choice, mind you) to make the route secure in record time. The crowd at the end of the parade by the reviewing stand let him have it. He's lucky (as the Irish would put it bluntly) that being tarred, feathered, and run out on a rail is now illegal.

And this clip is on Grant Street where the crowd was the MOST FRIENDLY in the entire parade.

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What are those signs they are holding up, I "club" o'bama? The Party will not be pleased. Dear Leader truly is all things to all people. After all, He is Dear Leader and not just a mere mortal. Half white, half black and half arab. He can even be Irish when he needs to.

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It is a "shamrock," Yuri. As opposed to a real rock. Would you expect anything less from supporters of Dear Leader?