
Massa and the Commander In Chief

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Those little guys running around in circles remind me of the Three Stooges, with their various levels of baldness and facial hair choices. Maybe they will turn into butter, as in the story of the Indian boy with his pancakes and the tigers who take his clothes, then fight over them and run around a tree in circles until they turn into butter.

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Superkommissar does it again! Very clever!

A pure joy to WATCH indeed...

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Casserole Czar, I believe you speak of this tale, which has long since been pronounced RACIST!!!

Study the underlined letters below, and tell me if anything jumps out at you, and hits you in the face like a watermelon seed spat at you.

Little Black Sambo

Just add the three missing letters, and I tell you, it's just like Nostradamus's "Mabus". That whole book is nothing but a right wing racist code book.

Can't you see? The protagonist represents Dear Leader, who in his benevolence and generosity, redistributes his coat and pants and shoes and parasol to the oppressed masses, represented by four tigers who symbolize the four victim groups in The Party's Official Victim Group Pie as set forth by First Lady Michelle Obama. Those would be Blacks, Women, Muslims, and Undocumented Long Term Resident Visitors From Other Countries.

The rightwing teabaggers would have you believe that wealth redistribution will only lead to further infighting among the Four Victim Groups, with each group believing it is entitled to a bigger slice of the pie than all the others. That they will fight and fight and fight until finally the Obama Administration, in accordance with some obscure section and paragraph of Obamacare that Sarah Palin closed her eyes and put her finger on and called "death panels", will round them up and send them to something similar to the Soylent Corporation Waste Disposal Plant, where they will be made into Wealth Spread--which is said to be similar to butter.

And then--according to Glenn Beck and others of his fearmongering ilk--the Wealth Spread will be applied to Obama's pancakes and duly devoured!

I swear to you I am not making this up. Believe me, this is the kind of crazy, wild-eyed stuff rightwingers think--and, in fact, it's exactly what Bush did only he didn't call it Wealth Spread, he called it butter. The right means to project Bush's own evil onto Obama. And then they dare to complain about Obama blaming everything on Bush!

I'm telling you, it's all right there in that book in black and white!

Furthermore, I believe Eric Massa SHOULD resign, and not because of inappropriate comments he may have made or because he's against Obamacare after he was for it. His last name is racist. Do I have to explain THAT too? We need to come up with a less inflammatory name for him, a name that will not remind today's African-Americans of the brutal oppression their ancestors suffered nearly a century and a half ago.

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The very name "Massa" harkens back to the days of slavery.

The mental image of Democrats caucusing in the nude makes me nauseous. But I recall that gangsters like to conduct business in Turkish bath houses because you know the other guy is unarmed and not wearing a wire.

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Superkommissar Maksim wrote:
Eric Massa: Democrats ousted me over health care.

We always knew it would come to this, didn't we.

Dear SuperKommissar Maksim,

For Fatwas, as Kommisar, I
address Massa's whimpering whines
and feeble theatrics
and likewise the tactics
that Rahm did apply to his whines:

Says Massa, "I stood in the shower
to contemplate using my power
of 'no' to oppose
ObamaCare votes,
when suddenly Rahm's in my shower."

Says Rahm, "If you question my power,
I first try the power of shower,
but then if you don't
come clean, I resort
to Rham-Rod for shower of power."

Did Rahm-Rod's behavior to cower
the wavering dope in the shower
comform to the way
Chicago has made
for wielding the best tools of power?

My Fatwa commends his approach--
like S-E-I-U handling folks--
Whenever a dope
does not embrace hope,
what's left is to prod and to poke.

--Kommisar of Fatwas.

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Roses are red
Violets are blue
I suck at poetry.

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Casserole Czar, I believe you speak of this tale, which has long since been pronounced RACIST!!!

Study the underlined letters below, and tell me if anything jumps out at you, and hits you in the face like a watermelon seed spat at you.

Little Black Sambo

Just add the three missing letters, and I tell you, it's just like Nostradamus's "Mabus". That whole book is nothing but a right wing racist code book.

Can't you see? The protagonist represents Dear Leader, who in his benevolence and generosity, redistributes his coat and pants and shoes and parasol to the oppressed masses, represented by four tigers who symbolize the four victim groups in The Party's Official Victim Group Pie as set forth by First Lady Michelle Obama. Those would be Blacks, Women, Muslims, and Undocumented Long Term Resident Visitors From Other Countries.

The rightwing teabaggers would have you believe that wealth redistribution will only lead to further infighting among the Four Victim Groups, with each group believing it is entitled to a bigger slice of the pie than all the others. That they will fight and fight and fight until finally the Obama Administration, in accordance with some obscure section and paragraph of Obamacare that Sarah Palin closed her eyes and put her finger on and called "death panels", will round them up and send them to something similar to the Soylent Corporation Waste Disposal Plant, where they will be made into Wealth Spread--which is said to be similar to butter.

And then--according to Glenn Beck and others of his fearmongering ilk--the Wealth Spread will be applied to Obama's pancakes and duly devoured!

I swear to you I am not making this up. Believe me, this is the kind of crazy, wild-eyed stuff rightwingers think--and, in fact, it's exactly what Bush did only he didn't call it Wealth Spread, he called it butter. The right means to project Bush's own evil onto Obama. And then they dare to complain about Obama blaming everything on Bush!

I'm telling you, it's all right there in that book in black and white!

Furthermore, I believe Eric Massa SHOULD resign, and not because of inappropriate comments he may have made or because he's against Obamacare after he was for it. His last name is racist. Do I have to explain THAT too? We need to come up with a less inflammatory name for him, a name that will not remind today's African-Americans of the brutal oppression their ancestors suffered nearly a century and a half ago.

My eyes have been opened!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I may or may not ever buy butter again!
Glen Beck doesn't understand that EVERYONE will get pancakes, and not just dear leader! It's IHOP for the whole world!

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Dear SuperKommissar Maksim,

For Fatwas, as Kommisar, I
address Massa's whimpering whines
and feeble theatrics
and likewise the tactics
that Rahm did apply to his whines:

Says Massa, "I stood in the shower
to contemplate using my power
of 'no' to oppose
ObamaCare votes,
when suddenly Rahm's in my shower."

Says Rahm, "If you question my power,
I first try the power of shower,
but then if you don't
come clean, I resort
to Rham-Rod for shower of power."

Did Rahm-Rod's behavior to cower
the wavering dope in the shower
comform to the way
Chicago has made
for wielding the best tools of power?

My Fatwa commends his approach--
like S-E-I-U handling folks--
Whenever a dope
does not embrace hope,
what's left is to prod and to poke.

--Kommisar of Fatwas.

WOW! That's some crazy talented poetry writin'!!!

The White, I mean Presidential, House, could use a writer like you! It would probably help Dear Leader's ratings! (Not that his ratings drop had anything whatsoever to do with anything he said or didn't said. That's just the people, not using their brains...again.)

You and 'Spell Cheka' should get together and make some music!

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Casserole Czar wrote:
WOW! That's some crazy talented poetry writin'!!!

The White, I mean Presidential, House, could use a writer like you! It would probably help Dear Leader's ratings! (Not that his ratings drop had anything whatsoever to do with anything he said or didn't said. That's just the people, not using their brains...again.)

You and 'Spell Cheka' should get together and make some music!

To Casserole Czar I say "thanks"
when "off" in your post you were yanked
by verses that told
the way Rahm-Rod smote
the Massa for health-care "no-thanks."

And then you recovered to plead
that Maximum Leader's in need
of rhymes I could write
to help him to smite
opponents of health-care we need.

I doubt he would share your reaction
that rhymes would afford him more traction
with middle-road voters--
'Twould make middle-roaders
confuse him with Jesse L. Jackson.

-- Kommisar of Fatwas.

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Roses are red
Violets are blue
I suck at poetry.

Yeah, but your avatar has a really nice rack. From each according to his abilities....

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Ivan Betinov wrote:
(Speaking to Czar-Czar), who said:
Roses are red
Violets are blue
I suck at poetry.

Yeah, but your avatar has a really nice rack. From each according to his abilities....

Dear Comrade Ivan,

I share your sentiments. It makes me long for the days in the middle ages when errancy could land one "on the rack."

If I may digress, however, given the growing number of heretics on the scientifically conclusive evidence of AGW (Anthropogenic Global Warming), for those heretics, we need to bring back a different rack-- i.e., one akin to that used by Torquemada.

As you know, it is my duty as Gorbels Cube to try to find in all possible topics a way to argue support for AGW.

Take, for example, the topic of this post by SuperKommissar Maksim. Despite the extent to which we all revere Rahm Rod, he obviously contributed to AGW by confronting Massa in the shower and thus caused unnecessary consumption of energy by prolonging Massa's time in the shower (assuming, of course, Massa was taking a hot shower instead of a cold shower). Yet his contributions to the Greater Good are so extensive, I fear that to impose any penance upon him would be as foolish as to expect celebrity supporters of AGW to cease traveling in private jets and limousines. We must not cut off our rods to spite our facades. (I think I may have just unwittingly coined a new Party Slogan, and that perhaps I should copyright it, but alas, to think in such manner is to backslide into Capitalism-- wait, I put it onto posters and sell them and then donate the proceeds to the Greater Good by using the proceeds to purchase carbon-credit indulgences from my business foundation for the Collective Good.

--Gorbels Cube