
McObamaHalliBushHitler III

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Yes, our savior -- the man we lied, cheated and stole for -- is really, really letting us all down right now. So far he has shown us that change is silly little word and that hope will not be the totalitarian utopia we all strived for. In short: I think President-Elect Obama is nothing more than a stooge of the Bush regime and is being manipulated by Cheney. Yes, I am going that far, Comrades.

And to think poor Hillary will be confined to the state department where she will plot her return to ultimate power -- plotting, mind you, our immediate demise. And when I say our demise, I of course am referring to the countless number of Party apparatchiks who supported Obama. Party apparatchiks who believed the Clintons would quietly fade away on the next cattle car to the frozen tundra of Palinland. Sadly no such Clinton appearance on platform #6 materialized.

Sadly we will be forced to endure rampant paranoia as some of us -- some of us being the higher echelons of Party leadership (me) who supported another candidate (Obama) instead of sticking it out for our first choice (Hillary).

And now we wait. We wait to see if Her Excellency will scrape and claw her way to the White House ala a Ted Kennedy-esque coup.

But it doesn't end there, Comrades. Our new leader has even gone so far to appoint reactionary scum to key economic positions -- some being Clinton New Democrats, mind you -- who will surely damper whatever hopes we may have for a new socialist utopia. Let us also not forget that Bob Gates, blood-stained hands and all, will remain as chief executioner of indigenous
peoples at the Department of Death.

Thanks, President-Elect Obama! We should've backed McCain! At least he knows who his real friends are! Somebody phone the Mime and get the impeachment political process in motion!

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My position supporting Cobra Commander has never wavered, and I believe The Lizard Queen will understand that because I supported the one who has since become the president of the shadow government, I still remain faithful to whoever threatens me most.

Don't hurt me!

Don't accept any Holiday packages from the Empress, Premier Betty. Who knows what's inside waiting for you, when you open the package!

Now that she's the apparent Secretary of State, she will be in a position to seek revenge against those who didn't support her in the primaries.

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Wait... we get packages during the "holidays"? Since when? All I ever got was a party ordered trip to the gulag!

Of course, no one in the postal service would steal any "holiday" gifts from high ranking Party officials. At least, that's what my relatives say, who work at the postal service.

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Chairman M. S. Punchenko

"endure rampant paranoia as some of us"

Maybe need volunteers to start the Chairman's auto?............

Oh, they have remote device for that now.