
MichelleO Needs Our Salt

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Comrades our beloved leader's wife Michelle is in desperate need of our salt. Doctors have diagnosed her with a rare genetic kidney disease that requires massive doses of sodium on a daily basis.

The salt must be sucked through the skin of a living donor's face leaving them horribly shriveled. Up until now Michelle has been feeding off Robert Byrd and lately, Harry Reid and Nanski Peloski. But this can not continue. Fresh donors are needed.

I beg you, if you love your country and Dear Leader, please volunteer to feed Michelle. Contact for details on how you can do your part.

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Dear Comrade Whoopie~

Being brand new to the Amerikka's Glorious Movement, I have never spoken directly to you before now. But this is an OUTRAGEOUS comparison! On the Right, there is a candid photo showing our Dear Leader's beautiful wife (albeit makeup notwithstanding)...what is with placing it next to that grotesque, reptilian, misshapen, plug-ugly Holloween mask on the Left?

This is clearly an attempt on your part to inspire laughter and for that you must be formally castigated! How dare you malign Dear Co-Leaderess likeness with this caricature of revulsion! I demand that in the future, you place the real likeness of Dear Leader's Succubus mate on the LEFT!

Let me be among the first to applaud admonish you for the perfect symmetry juvenileness of your humor at her expense.

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Dear new Party Official,

I must disagree with your assessment.

I do believe these are before and after picture of ourhideously hatefullovely Mo Obama, who we can proudly quote as being the first to say, "For the First Time in My Adult Lifetime, I'm Really Proud of My Country" (what abiotchycourageous statement).
On the left is our after salt consumption Mo-Obam. On the right is the before salt consumption Mo Obam, which we want less of.

Salt is vital to life, and not just for pond suckers and leaches.

I will be eager to see, which loyal comrade will step off, make a personal offer and be 'worth his salt', because, if not . . . this is what we have to look forward to (one of Mo's less publicized picture)


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My Dear Fraulein Pulloskies,

Yes, yes. You are Right correct, of course, forgive me. I was reacting irrationally from hunger and sleep deprivation here in the gulag in trying to protect Dear First Wench Lady from being confused as a Right wrong-winger. Perhaps we should change the way we read...from Left to Right. If we would read from Right to Left, (we all should strive to end up in the Left) we would have seen our magnificent First Wench Lady first as it should be and the need to sacrifice for her afterwards while we were still retching blinded by her hideousness opulence.

Could we still call for castigation of Comrade Whoopie? Gorya, the People's Guard, instructs us to rat informon our friends and family anything "fishy" for opportunities to move up in the party. I would like the straw bedding I sleep on in the gulag to be moved out of the mud. This may seem selfish...but I really am trying to protect First Wench Lady's image as a Moonbat Lefty.

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High Party Official wrote:My Dear Fraulein Pulloskies,

Yes, yes. You are Right correct, of course, forgive me. I was reacting irrationally from hunger and sleep deprivation here in the gulag in trying to protect Dear First Wench Lady from being confused as a Right wrong-winger. Perhaps we should change the way we read...from Left to Right. If we would read from Right to Left, we would have seen our magnificent First Wench Lady first as it should be and the need to sacrifice for her afterwards while we were still retching blinded by her hideousness opulence.

Could we still call for castigation of Comrade Whoopie? Gorya instructs us to rat informon our friends and family anything "fishy" for opportunities to move up in the party. I would like the straw bedding I sleep on in the gulag to be moved out of the mud. This may seem selfish...but I really am trying to protect First Wench Lady's image as a Moonbat Lefty.

I am but your humble servant, dear Comrade High Party Official (if you were a lowly peasant as I, it'd be a different matter!!). And yes,our reading should be corrected (at least in this instance) so we can view the wonder of our First Wretched Wench Lady MoBama, in all her glorious splender.

As for castigation, or castration, Comrade Whoopie, I cannot say "whoopee!" at this time. Being gulag weary, I think it best to remainhumble, quiet and very cautious optimistic of her glorious intentions.

Хваления к повелительнице MoBama!

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Nancy Pelosi likewise exposed, in the rear view mirror of the Limo driver.


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That is a hysterical interesting picture of our beloved Nanski, although, I thought she had those fangs teeth corrected at ObamAcorn Hospital & Torture Center, just last year. If you ask me,or if I dared to say, her Lasik eye surgery could have gone better.

Praise to be Obamamessiah!

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Comrade Whoopie:

Now you've done it!! It was already hard enough to recruit people for Michelle's Posse staff!! You just had to let the secret out as to why the first lady has the largest and most expensive entourage of any previous first lady in history. My God, she has been consuming them like "Skittles." We had previously been spinning it that she was just a bitch perfectionist.

Ok now, damage control, damage control.....

(PS: When around her I always have my phaser set to kill!!)

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Proletarian Robot wrote:
(PS: When around her I always have my phaser set to kill!!)

I forgot to mention that all volunteers receive a red "Star Fleet" shirt.

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No need for volunteers. Chairman Obama has come up with a plan to feed the ugly beast satisfy his lovely wife's medical needs. For those of you who stayed awake were able to focus on the Lightbringer's words instead of the tingling in your legs caused by the sight of his halo, you may recall Dear Leader saying he would offer to forgive student loans far more quickly if the debtors would agree to do "public service". Of course, there could be no finer public service than keeping the finest first lady evah alive.

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I forgot to mention that all volunteers receive a red "Star Fleet" shirt.

The "Red Star Fleet Shirt" also seems to be the 'Uniform of the Day' for everyone who winds up under Obama's bus too!

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Forget about trying to salvage her face. I think a transplant is necessary.


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I'm wondering what would happen if Mrs. Bitterman was given kosher salt? Would it be like pouring salt on a slug?


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High Party Official, as I Peruse official party records, I can not seem to find you listed? I find it puzzling that there is no record of your door being kicked in at Midnight or for that matter anytime.
Everyone here has had there doors kicked in by my Goons (Attempting to Unionize) Loyal Non-union) Highly Trained Troopers. Matter of fact some here now leave Milk and Cookies for them. (They generally don't destroy the rest of the house if feed)

Further I do not remember meeting you at any of the Party functions, I checked the guest list at Camp Fluffy, Rancho Riogrande,
Comrade Whoopie birthday party,
As well a Red Roosters Grave Yard Voter Gala. You were not on any of these guest list. I even went as far as to study Pinkies Shovel to see if there was any new dents from her hitting you, again no new dents.

I must conclude that:

a. You are a common Prole attempting to make us believe you are a made Progressive.
b. You are a Rethuglikkkan spy
c. You have an Invitation and everyone thinks you crashed the party.

Immediately I need to fill out form 938874900 MP, Provide a Fake Hawaiian Birth Certificate, have all your school records sealed. Give a speech using only one teleprompter.

If you can not prove you are an official qualified High Party Official, you will need to give long winded speeches. make stupid Gaffs, Bow and every one Foreign dictator or not insist that you know what to do. Get a retarded sidekick named "Joe" and you just like the Obamessiah can be considered a High Party Official.

Commissar Red Star CEO Hemlock Hospitality ® INC
Director of Kicking Doors at Midnight
Keeper of the sacred Plasma Cutter
Herdsman of Rainbow Farting Unicorns
Defender of the Faith