
Moochelle plans to wake up Democrats

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Our old "Do something" campaign did not work because, apparently, Democrats are sleeping too much.

So Moochelle will create a new campaign to wake up these folks with a bit of a spark. Yes, like Frankenstein, she will reanimate the dead deep sleepers to have them vote.

This will help the Super Super majority and reelect Dear Leader. We might see the return of Ted Kennedy and other well known Democrats.

Maybe we should try to wake up our sleeping Comrades as well.

Wake up sleepers into next Tuesday!

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Suggestion: It might be wise to eliminate the usual dose of Ambien from free government cheese prior to elections.

Just what we need. Now the jackasses donkeys will be braying all day and all night.

The Prophet said, "If anyone hears the barking of a dog or at the braying of a donkey, let him seek the protection of Allah from the accursed devil because these animals see what you do not see."

Well, that explains a lot. Jackasses Democrats "they" see things normal people don't see.

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[img]images/clipart/Prog_Off.gif[/img]Well, Moochelle,

That's gonna work! Just like your "Let's Move" campaign urging kids in school to, um, move! A possible cause of this lack of movement might be the elimination of gym classes in schools. I know, that can't possibly be it. It's too logical.

Similarly, asking them to "Wake Up" is practically impossible, given the fact that your party has, effectively, after encouraging their dependence on the government tit, successfully lulled them into the idea that you will take care of them. They don't have to do anything.

They have no incentive to "wake up", as you say. They already think they are "woken up" just for voting for your husband, as Whitey did in 2008. Whitey is who got him elected! You know, the "privileged" majority white class.

This plea of yours is about to come and bite your ass. It certainly has bitten ours, including our beloved Afro-Americans. We Conservatives love our citizens, including blacks and others you accuse us of "hating."

Instead of allowing students in high schools to have Gym as part of their curriculum, you want to enforce a "required calorie" school lunch program that actually thinks each student is just like every student to make up for this.

Equal calories for equal students. No accounting for those kids who have different requirements. Every child is exactly the same as every other child: A piece of equal protoplasm.

We do note that your children are exempt from this. We love your children, why do you hate ours?

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Please stop portraying Queen Moochelle as an angry black woman.
That makes her very mad.


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Did we mention that she also don't be likin' no whitey crackers?
