
More bigotry from Texas hicks

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My most dear Comrades,

I am sickened and it was not from the vodka. (Please DISREGARD what you might have heard through the rumor mill!) I am made ill from the anti-Mooslimic bigotry in the USSA. I am sure you heard from the lying Faux News (if perchance you were forced or captivated into watching it as you were doing your daily chores and had no other choice ™ ) that a dear comrade from Arabia, who was welcomed to come here & attend kollege, was viciously accused to plotting some plot involving so called explosive devices, as if this child of a boy would know how to do that.
And just because the FBI rumbled through his private room and into his private computer and private writing, who is to say he was not in being in jest? He had a right to his privates, did he not?!! And who doesn't not have infant dolls and plans subversive plots against Mr. Bushitler? Who, I ask?!

Why, just look at his beholding face. . . is this not a face you would want your cousin to date?

This is overreacting bigotry. We must send our Astroturfing & Union comrades, to march and protest in his defensiveness. Who among you will lead the way?!

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Like Garglyfannie sez- "That's racism straight up".

Mooslims are great people and they are entitled to American Rights (even if they are here illegally and building bombs)

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And just what was his crime? Trying to blow up the Bushitler? In fact, the Bushitler was never at risk, only his double. If you were of high enough grade, you would know that we are keeping the real Bush in a secret Ministry of Love gulag/summer camp so that he can be trotted out from time to time when ever we need live images and/or audio to use as a scapegoat whenever some prole complains about not enough beets to eat, or he finds a sore on his butt, the weather caused him some problem etc.

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Nonsense and piffle! He ordered chemicals, bah! Everyone knows mooslims can't make explosives out of chemicals. There ain't a mooslim on earth who knows jackshit about organic chemistry. The only bombs these idiots can make use commercial explosives.

I mean look how stupid this guy is, he came to America to study English. Everyone knows if you want to study English you have to go to England. We only speak American in America.

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I am most upset by the illegal detention of my most special beautiful mooslim boy by the criminal Bushitler secret pollieze. They must stop disrupting my good intentions to distribute lovely Death equally to all poor prisoners of the Satanic Capitalist swine!

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I am humbly proud that my comrade have spoken out against this Mooslimic bigotry. If it were not for us, they would been finding him guilty of some faux pas and readying the executioner. I hope he will be released from the phony, bogus charges very soon, because a neighbor has spoken up wishing to have a date. She is very outgoing and loves to "try new things". And she loves her Pop Tarts! Image

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Some things (not many) frighten even the Directorat of the Dirt Nap, and this is one!! Stalin's Brass Balls... It is gorgeous. This Devine creature will deflect rightous effort to spread egalitarian beatiful death equally to all.

It must be sent to Glorious Work Farm "Shangrilah in the Steppes". They have problem with Glorious Tractor and need It to pull plough.

The Father must be sent for Glorious Re-education with extreme prejudice!

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Fraulein Pulloskies wrote: She is very outgoing and loves to "try new things". And she loves her Pop Tarts! Image

A glorious prole! Korrection: this is not Kapitalist Pop Tart, this is Elephant Ear from local people's carnival. Prole that eats Elephant Ear banishes pesky Neo-Kulak Rethuglikan's from life forever!

Party Secret™ from M.O.: Psssst, Eat Elephant Ear Daily Comrades!

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The young man in question is clearly a victim of, dare I say it? of Grammar. OK, I know what you're thinking Comrades:"That crazy drunken, crazy, mad monk is rambling again". Well, this time I'm not. Please to let me esplain:

Several months ago our Dear Comrade Laika the Space Dog spotted some interesting transmissions that when played backward said things like: "Hail Satan". This prompted a thorough investigation by Laika, several Inner Party members and myself. Our findings were both shocking and horrifying. We uncovered a vast Reich Wing conspiracy that has been going on for over a half a century.

Using research first created by Nazi scientists spirited to America after WWII, the Reich Wing conspirators have been perfecting mind control methods ever since. The current and most insidious method is the careful crafting of keywords, numbers and sentences in such a way as to control the minds of innocent victims. The grammar used also includes trigger words and phrases which then activate the victims to carry out the fiendish plots of their malevolent masters. Worst yet, operatives (I call them Grammar Gremlins) well trained in mind control techniques, have been posing as teachers and neighbors to "handle" and control these poor, innocent victims.

I bring you this information not to cause panic, but to demonstrate the never ending dedication and hard work of your Commissars and Inner Circle members. Rest assured that we have already begun our counter offensive by transmitting signals of Civility, Respect and Understanding to all our membership.

Peace be upon you Brothers and Sisters,
Grigori - Your Humble Spiritual Adviser

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Comrades, comrades... we have all missed the point of Comrade Muammar's refusing to step down.


Note his finger. Note it well.

And note the positioning of the men's hands in the photographs, holding their devoted buttockses.

All in honor of Prostate Awareness Month!

How could our fearless brother step down, when not only must he, in the sight of the entire world, raise a finger for this glorious cause but also be a shining example for us all?!? How could he assume that the anyone who replaced him would uphold this sacred duty?

It's true that we in the USSA have Our Mislum in Chief to depend upon for our national bohica, but most collektives are not so fortunate as us.

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Hmmm.. most suspicious Comrade R.O.C.K., perhaps we should post this in the Awareness thread so that other poor proles are are aware of this distinction.

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Do I detect a corn kernel stuck on the tip of his finger? And what's that brown residue under his nail?

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Comrade Whoopie, I would have thought by now, you would have familiarized yourself with said "residue" but perhaps the vodka has had it's toll on your remembrance abilities, but I digress. . . .

Comrade Grigori, much thanks to you for continuing your fine and upstanding work. Bringing us " this information not to cause panic, but to demonstrate the never ending dedication and hard work of your Commissars and Inner Circle members." It is dedication like this, that has brought such acclaim to the Obama regimeadministration.

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It is obvious that this poor oppressed Muslim is guilty only of living among intolerant rednecks and other non persons. I demand his immediate release, an apology from Obama, and a large monetary compensation!

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And a gloating BushHitler signals an act of defiance towards our Muslim hero ....


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Fraulein wrote:And who doesn't not have infant dolls and plans subversive plots against Mr. Bushitler? Who, I ask?!

Keep this photo in your files. I know there are thousands like her.


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THOUSANDS OF PALINS?!! SHE'S BEEN CLONED?! I knew it!! Not one person would be able to gather such huge crowds all over the country with such huge followings. They have probably thousands of her out and about, trying to infiltrate our thoughts and the thoughts of the little childrens. This must be denounced! spit

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I'm already having nightmares from another thread (a new Comrade had to mention Nixon). Now this image! and thousands of Palins! and it's only Monday?

Oh the pain............

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Grigori, I feel your pain. But, I have discovered the Palin photos with which are bombarded, are no as offensive when in perspective.


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Fraulein Pulloskies wrote:THOUSANDS OF PALINS?!! SHE'S BEEN CLONED?! I knew it!! Not one person would be able to gather such huge crowds all over the country with such huge followings. They have probably thousands of her out and about, trying to infiltrate our thoughts and the thoughts of the little childrens. This must be denounced! spit

Seems she does attract some HUGE followings from Party "Members" ...

Image ... w-on-sale/