
More Papal Bull

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Francis has been a busy Antichrist Pope lately. 
This past weekend, Pope Francis welcomed 200 artists to the Sistine Chapel to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Vatican’s collection of contemporary art. Among them was Andres Serrano.

Andres Seranno w Pope Francis.jpg
Serrano shaking hands with His Unholiness in Vatican City.

You may remember Serrano for his infamous piece, “Piss Christ,” a photo of a crucifix submerged in a jar of murky urine (kinda like a snow globe except instead of snow there were floaties of albumin and other biological detritus).

Serrano's "Piss Christ." Don't hold your breath waiting for his "Piss Mohammed." ... fix-glass/

And in mid-June, the Vicar of Satan Christ sent a pair of bishops to hassle Texas Bishop J. Strickland for participating in the huge protest at Dodger Stadium against the anti-Catholic drag ensemble, "The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence."
The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence with (appropriately named) California Senator Scott Wiener, who honored them recently in Sacramento.
The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence with (appropriately named) California Senator Scott Wiener, who honored them recently in Sacramento. ... -confront/
It’s been the most exciting month for His Blasphemous Holiness since March of 2021, when he won a staring contest against Ayatollah Sistani in Najaf, Iraq.

Francis and Sistani lock eyes in Najaf showdown.
Francis and Sistani lock eyes in Najaf showdown.

Oh, well. You know what they say at the Vatican: Quodcumque dicis, semper melius Latine sonat..