
My Daughter - The Future Naomi Wolf SuperMom

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Like feminist Naomi Wolf, I want my daughter to grow up to get a good job, and be a good provider for her children, and a husband, if she gets married. I want her to feel she can have whatever career she wants, whether it's as a hooker, a stripper, or an attorney.

At least she won't have to deal with the kids during the day, because she will have dumped them in some kind of daytime orphanage day care center, preferably run by the government. After all, it's never too early to start teaching children about sex education, condoms and socialism. I can't wait for all mothers to give up the raising of their own children to the government. After all, it is all part of the big plan of the Progressive World of Next Tuesday ™ . That is what a true feminist like me wants. Nothing irks me more than seeing a woman have to play the role of being stay-at-home mom.

Of course, ideally, it would be nice if she could afford to hire a nanny who is either single, and has nothing better to do with her life than toil all day raising my daughter's children, or at least is willing to dump her own children in a day care so she can raise my daughter's children. An undocumented worker would be fine for the job.

If my daughter's husband/and/or boyfriend-sperm donor does not wish to be a good house-husband, or share all of the chores equally when he comes home, worn out from his own full time job, I would prefer that she stay a single mom. I know she won't mind being a Naomi Wolf Supermom . . .


. . . who doesn't mind working another eight hours at home, cooking, cleaning, and taking care of her children. She will make the pioneers of the Feminist Movement proud. The government day care worker, and public school teacher has done his or her part during the day, already, and after all, it's for the children.

Women are truly liberated now to do choose whatever life they want, and I only wish I had the many opportunities and resources my daughter will have.

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Comradess Leninka.....

What if you (God forbid) have a SON instead (mixup of test-tube seperated sperms)?????

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Leninka wrote: whether it's as a hooker, a stripper, or an attorney.
This is a juxtaposition I can get behind! However attorneys are our best tools in dismantling the capitalist system and in redistribution. At the point of Glorious Arrival (when we no longer need attorneys) I believe we must purge them first. Money will no longer be needed and they will be useless to the state.

Therefore I advise you to encourage your daughter to pursue hookerdom or stripperhood which are the more enduring careers.

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Comrade Badanoff,

This is a utopia I'm trying to create. Boy? Did you say Boy? Oh, I suppose at this primitive stage on the road to a manless utopia, I suppose I'd have to put up with it, but I would have to work very hard at turning him into a Jodin Morey (See People's Cube Post "The Prog that will Come"


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I too am humbly proud that womanhood has the choice to be and to do what they want to do. With so many spermage donors, who is really in need of a full time, burdensome husband unit? I can tell young son to get his own beer - why do I need to repeat that to a husband unit too?!

Daycare is so good and fills the need of the woman who think they must, for some odd reason, reproduce. (who needs all these new environmental destroyers. Really? Who??)

The People's Gulag Daycare Providers & Indoctrinators ™ are the best. (until most recently, Mr. James J Lee was Head Mister, but he, uh uh, retired to search out new quest). Pictured below, I have delightfully provided a recent photo taken with a confiscated Kodak camera (thank you Mr. prole). See the happy little faces? Safe and secure with their "home away from home mummy and poppy's" ™ .

and here they are, ready for their government provided lunch of beets'n cabbage, served on recycled paper plates (*ALL PLATES MUST BE RETURNED TO THE KITCHENETTE DAYCARE CENTER TO BE REUSED USED. Please disregard the taller child. She was accidentally, cough cough,tramp stayed in the daycare cell entertainment center.)


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Commissarka Leninka, let me be for many congratulations on such glorious title and duties that are following. Much blowtorching of the facial hair will be for the needing when the gender reassignment is for taking place. Unless it is for the womens who wish to be the mens then make claims they are the mens having the babies. I am still for trying to be for understanding such things.

As for government daycare and nanyships - my country female peoples are for recommending underwives. They can be most useful when there are so many children being begotten.

Husbands? Who is needing the husbands when there are so many Mishas in the world need such good work? Misha? MISHAAAAA!!!

Frau... have you been for seeing Misha?

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Yes Comrade People's Comrade,

I would prefer that my daughter hook an attorney rather than have an attorney hook her.

Comrade Fraulein,

What glorious depictions of the future, and past, and present. See how wonderful it will all be? We won't have to deal with any boorish men who can't tell the difference between a lady and Rahm Emmanuel.

Mrs Al,

I'm curious. With so many wives and only one husband. What becomes of all the boy children? Of course, I understand they are superfluous. But do they all strive for those
72 virgins, or are there any other occupations for them? Of course, in the future, we
can just abort them.

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Leninka...daycare, nannies? Who needs 'em.

Caged kids.jpg

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I am so proud to have been a progressive all of my life and to have helped bring down the stupid evil repressive patriarchal system of my youth. No more will womyn like your daughter have to take orders from useless, domineering, oppressive men like myself. She is now free, FREE, FREE to take orders from useless domineering feminists like Naomi Wolf and oppressive government bureaucrats do what she wants, thanks to me and others like me. Please tell your daughter, "You're welcome!" I feel so good about myself now, I think I'll go have a self-congratulatory drink.

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Thank you Opiate. I'm sure things will be better for her, now. Maybe you'll meet a nice prog woman at the bar and get yourself a free, no strings attached one night stand. Isn't the feminist movement great?

Comrade Whoopie,

I DENOUNCE you for keeping those children at home. The job of raising children belongs to the state. This is the most natural way to raise a child. It's the collective that can do a better job - always. Immediately get them enrolled in a public government school to be taught by reliable union worker teachers.

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Sounds like a lot of Che Spotting will take place in this new Society for Cutting Up Men. We will definitely have to be distributing some more of these:


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I must denounce Comrade Whoopie too for taking one of our Automated Child Safety Devices ™ for his own personal use. I will be sending a bill and, ahumm, "investigators" to investigate and remove said confiscated device.

I must denounce RR for this being gross and ungentlemanly. Great Stalin's ghost!! Off to the gulag!

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Looks like Frow-line needs some itching cream....


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Thank goodness for our great role models leading the way in progressive korrekt thought.


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Mrs Al Czarweary wrote:Commissarka Leninka, let me be for many congratulations on such glorious title and duties that are following. Much blowtorching of the facial hair will be for the needing when the gender reassignment is for taking place. Unless it is for the womens who wish to be the mens then make claims they are the mens having the babies. I am still for trying to be for understanding such things.

As for government daycare and nanyships - my country female peoples are for recommending underwives. They can be most useful when there are so many children being begotten.

Husbands? Who is needing the husbands when there are so many Mishas in the world need such good work? Misha? MISHAAAAA!!!

Frau... have you been for seeing Misha?

As a matter of fact, I was on the verge of opening a Janet Reno Blow Torch and Clitorectomy Salon. I'm looking forward to blow torching your beard.