
New IBM commercial

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Has anyone seen it? It was just on MNF; it features a big red square!!

Comrades! We are famous!

[edit] Hell there's a series of Red Cube commercials for IBM!! I think the Jihadists will be highly offended soon and will target those Infidels!

I think we can sue for copyright infringement, in order to liberate more ca$h for the Revolution!

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I didn't see it and a Google search yielded nothing. Can anyone provide a link?

Ahh Haa....I also searched google and the only thing I found was a big red box bound for Gulag!!! Red Sqaure I can provide a link to Siberia for our Comrade....

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Red Square wrote:I didn't see it and a Google search yielded nothing. Can anyone provide a link?

I looked too...after my first post, I saw 2 more different "red cube" commercials by the capitalist pigs at IBM. They are sponsoring the new and un-improved Monday Night Football on[edit] Extra Sh*tty Penis Network.

Down with the new broadcast crew, except Theisman...they need to shut up already.

oops...better? representative of our alternative lifestyle comrades now...

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They are sponsoring the new and un-improved Monday Night Football on Extra Sh*tty Sports Network.

I thought it was the Extra Small Penis Network, since they are all on steroids and such....

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Premier Betty wrote:
They are sponsoring the new and un-improved Monday Night Football on Extra Sh*tty Sports Network.

I thought it was the Extra Small Penis Network, since they are all on steroids and such....
That too; a "double standard" much like the Demokrats...or a bogo (you pick).

Doh! fixed see above...

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Premier Betty wrote:I thought it was the Extra Small Penis Network....

It might be... did comrade Olberman get a job there?

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Commissar M wrote:
Premier Betty wrote:I thought it was the Extra Small Penis Network....

It might be... did comrade Olberman get a job there?

Yes he did! Which makes him more than qualified to puke out his political opinions on BSNBC!

(He has you know what envy of that fascist O'Pressor on Faux, wink wink, nudge nudge, dont tell anyone that it might hurt his feelings)

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Seeing more and more of this ripoff ad campaign on all the futbol games...

When are the Islamist brethren going to be righteously indignated and announce their fatwa against IBM??