
New Fleet Of TPC Secret Bunker Waffle House Cleaners

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Attention all TPC Patriarchal Secret Underground Bunker Waffle House and Tractor Barn executives, are you prepared to interview some cleaners ready to mop up afterwards? They appear capable of making a sammich, too.

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jackalopelipsky wrote:
7/1/2024, 4:28 pm
Attention all TPC Patriarchal Secret Underground Bunker Waffle House and Tractor Barn executives, are you prepared to interview some cleaners ready to mop up afterwards? They appear capable of making a sammich, too.

Poor women. Their wages are so low that they can't even afford shirts.

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French authorities have arrested the feminist protesters and applied extraordinary rendition to imprison them on an escape-proof island off the coast of French Guiana.

You can read about it here:

French Justice.jpg

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Colonel Obyezyana wrote:
7/2/2024, 10:19 am
French authorities have arrested the feminist protesters and applied extraordinary rendition to imprison them on an escape-proof island off the coast of French Guiana.

You can read about it here:


That is sublime…A Feminist version of Papillon but with topless French Feminists wserving a three hour tour…like Ginger and MaryAnn. Only with militant savages directing the show called “Three Hour Hawk Twoey” The jackalope has to say, way to re route the possibilities Colonel O. Really like what you did there, when given a fleet of topless French Feminists with mopping and cleaning skills that would benefit the TPC Waffle House Secret Underground Bunker. But you went wayyy beyond that and, in French, with subtitles. What a graphic move!

Which reminds the jackalope to ask, “could the jackalope be hanging on the wall watching, should Jill and Joe decide to use our facility for a proof of life photo shoot for the cover of Elder Abuse magazine? That would be something to see, Sir.”

Anyway, Ivan didn’t move fast enough on this fleet of topless French Feminists, who like to mop and clean. Wonder what kind of sammiches Ivan could teach them to make for Tractor Barn meetings and festivities? Pulled pork makes great sandwiches. All comrades know this.

Just let Ivan know there will be other topless Feminist fleets on the job short circuit …..don’t know if they’re French…however, Mayorkas is flying in fleets from South America any day now.

Staying on topic, like a jackalope, just in mostly English.

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As my Southern mother would say, "Shameless Hussies!!"