
Notable/Quotable: Government loans and breaks aren't for the recipient of the loan, they are to subsidize the industry

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Obama nationalized student loans in order to insulate the indoctrination centers from the market. The students' debt is secondary to that but also useful to the Left as a means of vote buying. The financing of the indoctrination centers is the main purpose.

With the tool of nationalized student loans they nationalized the institutions of higher learning into one collectivized monoversity.

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$39 Billion in Student Loans Forgotten.

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Image I hold a BA, an MA, and a PhD in history.  I worked my way through all three degrees.  I started saving for college (although I didn't know it at the time) while working on our family farm as a child.  I started working in the fields at age six.  Once we had everything "laid by" (that is, we had earned enough to pay for seed, feed, fertilizer and fuel for that year's crop), Dad divided fifty percent of the profits between his four sons. 

It was real work and we earned that pay.  We were on permanent call for whatever needed doing.  We truck-farmed collards, turnips, and mustard greens, row-cropped corn, soybeans, and sometimes cotton, ran hogs and cattle, and processed cured meats for sale at a retail outlet there on the farm.

We broke land for planting during Spring Break, running three tractors 24 hours a day instead of going to the beach.  We plowed and hoed our way though the rest of spring and early summer, then began harvesting greens about the middle of July.  That went on until the first hard freeze.  When school started, we got up before dawn to cut a load of collards before heading off to classes, then came home and cut a second load before dark.  

We drove the trucks to market when we got old enough, which meant the two of us who were driving that day got to knock off a half hour early to catch a shower and change clothes before climbing into the cab.  It also meant that the drivers got back home sometime between midnight and 3:00 a.m.  They had to get up and hit the fields with the rest of us the next day.

We salted down thousands of hams and bacon and stuffed tons of sausage.  November-December was the big season for that; we kept the store open year-round, but our biggest sales period was between Thanksgiving and Christmas.  In a good year, we'd stuff 20,000 pounds of sausage, run through about 2,000 to 2,500 hams, and slice somewhere in the neighborhood of 1,500 slabs of bacon during the holidays.

In between times, we tended the livestock and did repairs/maintenance on trucks, tractors, and machinery. 

Part of our share got tucked back into savings for when we reached adulthood and either went to college or set off to make a living on our own.  Dad, who had a PhD in marketing and taught at university about sixty miles away from the farm,* offered us a choice: if we went to school where he taught, he'd cover room, board, and books out of the money he'd set aside (faculty children got free tuition at his university), or if we wanted to go somewhere else, he'd dole out the tuition and we were on our own for room, board, and books.  We all took the former for our undergraduate degrees.  We also all came back to work on the farm in the summer and on any holiday breaks.

All of us took it further than undergrad.  Sons Number One and Number Two both went to medical school and have been practicing doctors for over thirty years.  Number Three Son picked up a Masters in Ag Econ and Marketing and is an independent businessman.  I was too lazy to actually work for a living and got my degrees in History and have been a college professor since the mid-1990s.  All of us make a decent living, own our own homes, and pay our bills on time.

Not a one of us borrowed a dime to go to college.

I write all this not to prove how hard we had it.  We worked hard and we got paid for that labor.  We also played sports or marched in the band in high school, dated pretty girls, and got into trouble just like everybody else.  It was a good growing up.

No, I write this because it pisses me off that we get to pay off other peoples' student loans.  I am not putting down people who borrowed money to go to school.  We had it good, with the opportunity to earn the money for college and parents who set aside those earnings earmarked for future education.  Other folks did not have that situation.

I am angry with the pandering politicians who are trying to buy votes by forgiving this debt.  It is dishonest on their part and teaches the wrong lesson about debt and responsibility for it.

*Dad was an interesting man.  He farmed full time, ran a retail business, and taught full time at a university.  He talked the administration into letting him teach all his classes on a Monday, Wednesday, Friday schedule so he only had to commute three days a week.

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Margaret wrote:
7/16/2023, 1:34 pm

Obama nationalized student loans in order to insulate the indoctrination centers from the market. The students' debt is secondary to that but also useful to the Left as a means of vote buying. The financing of the indoctrination centers is the main purpose.

With the tool of nationalized student loans they nationalized the institutions of higher learning into one collectivized monoversity.

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Ivan Betinov wrote:
7/16/2023, 3:15 pm
Image I hold a BA, an MA, and a PhD in history.  I worked my way through all three degrees.  I started saving for college (although I didn't know it at the time) while working on our family farm as a child.  I started working in the fields at age six.  Once we had everything "laid by" (that is, we had earned enough to pay for seed, feed, fertilizer and fuel for that year's crop), .....

....l time at a university.  He talked the administration into letting him teach all his classes on a Monday, Wednesday, Friday schedule so he only had to commute three days a week.[/size]
Sorry komrade to truncate your pleasurable description of life of responsibility.

I relate from very afar. Never worked on a farm, but worked since 12 years old. Worked my way through the Kremlin on the Charles, aka mit. Left with debt of a car loan and final trip to down under with the not yet Missus. Never looked back. Used my bio (working through koledge) as a test of whether a prospective employer valued it. Perfect score. Now retired and working the trades on my own houses.

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Settlement checks for educational incompetence is higher Academics’ Cloward Piven Road to next Tuesday.

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Yes, Comrade Pelipsky, Justice is served! These academics are people who feel the deep vibes of peace, love, and understanding. Most of these people live in constant fear and retaliation from people who demand their right to choose another school system. Is it any wonder why they didn’t pass the first test and would find it rather a daunting task....a task that doesn’t take into account their multi-sensory perceptual learning accomplishments? Many of these failed teachers have remained conscious long enough to convince students to be no longer judged by what they know but by how they feel. The world of math, science, and logic is far less important than sensitivity to social injustice, the fragile environment, and compassion for the countless victims born into a body not of their choice. This is a great accomplishment that will go down in the anals of history!.......................................................And I might add, desperate people most often do desperate things.....