
Notable/Quotable: Our democracy don’t need no stinking electoral integrity

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Without electoral integrity there is no such thing as democracy. Anyone who claims to be for democracy but is against the integrity of the vote is not for democracy. They are for taking over and illegitimately ruling people who have no legal recourse against them. They are for the destruction of the constitutional republic by the means of cutting off the only legal avenue of stopping them.

They are not for democracy they are for absolutism and autocracy.

For the Democratic Party “democracy” is just the legal gloss of tyranny.

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Excuse me, but I must disagree.

Democracy = mob rule. That is EXACTLY  what they are going for.   But hey, someone has to run the mob -- might as well be me!

They are trying to destroy our representative Republic. 

Unfortunately,  they are doing well at it.  😭 

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Ellsworth Toohey wrote:
6/20/2024, 11:43 am
Excuse me, but I must disagree.

Democracy = mob rule. That is EXACTLY  what they are going for.   But hey, someone has to run the mob -- might as well be me!

They are trying to destroy our representative Republic. 

Unfortunately,  they are doing well at it.  😭 
The democratic process - voting - is democracy in America. That is what is meant. The electoral process. Then there is the representative Republic. The representatives vote. They are constrained by the Constitution. But the Constitution isn't a perpetual motion machine of constraint. Without electoral integrity the Constitution itself and all its rights and guarantees falls by the wayside. The very first check and balance is the elections and if there is no electoral integrity that check and balance is destroyed and the Constitutional government of the Republic becomes nothing but form without substance.

In this way the Democratic Party claims to be for "Democracy" but for them the electoral process of voting - "Democracy" - is just legal gloss for tyranny. It is just form with no substance.

The democratic process - voting - as majority rule that is unbound by any Constitutional rights would be mob rule and even that would require election integrity to insure it was actually majority rule. Or else it too would just be form without substance in the service of those who would use it to make the population subject to unaccountable rulers.

What the Democratic Party is doing is destroying the integrity of the voting process so that the voting process has no effect on the outcome of an election thereby destroying the Constitutional Republic and creating an unaccountable rule over the population in which there is no check and balance on their power at the ballot box. There is no check on their power because there is no electoral recourse. 


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To put Margaret’s point into practice here in Texazistan … ... nto-chaos/

Watch for the traveling Hand Count Road Show that swept across Europe and is now exploding heads in the USSA. ... nye-county

Brazos County Texazistan is having a tent revival of Vote Integrity, and it’s glorious, comrades.

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We agree. It's just a matter of semantics.