
Obama's Civilian Army Thought Police

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Is our glorious leader calling for a civilian militia? Maybe somebody to carry out his Kristalnacht or Night of the Long Knives?

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Maybe somebody to carry out his Kristalnacht or Night of the Long Knives?

If so, he's trying to do it on the cheap. At least other totalitarians had the good taste to create their own thug-squads BEFORE they got elected, and only made the state pay for them AFTER they had seized power.

Traitor Howard Stern has willfully mocked the Great Leader's 100% support among the state's citizens! ... cains.html

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Comrades, I hope we have a plentiful source of vodka under Obama's rule. I doubt it though, the ration cards may assign only one bottle per household out of "fairness." I'm going to need all I can get. It reminds me of life in the Soviet motherland.

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He's rallying the bitter clingers of the proletariat!

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"Thought Police" assumes that there is someone that has a thought to police. Given the current situation, that seems far from certain.

The Russians, Putin and Mendeyev, challenged Obama just hours after the ellection threathening to deploy short-range missiles against Poland. Obama reaction has been already not 100% percent supportive of Poland. If the Russians smell weakness, they are going to go for Crimea in Ucraine and may be the Baltin States will be also threathen and occupied
The Russian navy is conducting manuevers in the Caribbean soon and Hugo Chavez have territorial claims on Curacao and Aruba, ha has said these Dutch territories belong to Venezuela. Two weeks ago North Korea army radio threaten to turn South Korea into ashes and Iran keeps advancing to build the bomb and may be using it to wipe out Israel. A perception of weakness now can only accelerate the beginning of WWII. What would happen if China also allies with the Russians and Iran against the US, Western Europe and Japan plus a multiplication of regional crisis?

Furthermore, the Crimean peninsula is a majority Russian population, so Obama can play the role of Chamberlin and secure peace in our time!

Unlike those Republicans, whose philosophy of "Speak softly and carry a big stick" which to my understanding results in confused, hushed conversation where one cannot understand what they are saying (because they speak so quietly) and when one asks for clarification one recieves a painful whack.

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Why would our glorious leader have a civilian police force? With all these bitter clingers out there, could our civilian forces take their guns and evil religious conversion?

Actually, it sounds like it's a round up for Obama's sheep.