
Obama to Run for First Term as President in 2016

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At a recent press conference before the American Media Collective, reactionary observers noticed that Comrade Party Chairman Barack Barackovich Obama seemed ‘detached' from world events. He was not visibly excited until the issue of homosexuality in the NBA was raised.

This is because the Bourgeois have failed to understand the Comrade Obama has not officially begun his actual first term as President of the USSA. In the previous five years, our Glorious Leader has largely been devoted to removing Republican influence over the State, rather than governing to the extent that Socialism demands of a true President.

He has been prevented from functioning as President by the obstructionists and counter-revolutionaries who have sought to impede the collectivization of wealth and the proper submission of the workers and peasants of the USSA to the beneficial care of the Socialist Democratic Party.

We can all expect that Comrade Barack will bravely step forward in 2016 to run for his first term as Full President of the USSA, once the People's House has been purged of the present Republican occupation in next year's elections. Only with the complete cooperation of the People's House and the People's Senate can true Progress be made in the transformational calling of Comrade B. B. Obama!

Now is the time, comrades, to rally together and begin agitating for the elimination of all impediments to Comrade Barack's election in 2016. We must continue to call for the renunciation of the US Constitution and all other excuses that the Imperialists will continue to employ to suppress the will of the Proletariat.

The Masses are entitled to vote for Party Chairman Barack Barackovich Obama in 2016, and we must unite in order to protect the women and oppressed minorities who are relying on Comrade Barack for their very survival.

Unite to support election of Obama for his first term as President in 2016! We need Barack in the future to guide us into the future!

Faithfully submitted to the Collective of the People's Cube,
Comrade Nomenklatura-climber
Dialectical Progressivism Translator

The Unicorns Skittles excretive benefits will benefit all.


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I have given the matter a great deal of thought, and I cannot for the life of me understand why Comrade B.B. did not use the Bostonivostok Marathon bombing sportsplace violence crisis to Forward the Revolution©®™ and occupy more than just a tiny area of the city. Was he not prepared? Did he not have a Plan? How could he let a perfectly good crisis go to waste? How can The People©®™ expect him to establish the perfect worker's paradise of the Glorious World of NextTuesday©®™ if he can't exploit an opportunity as perfect as this?

Or does he have an even better plan, one which will repudiate the Imperialist Capitalistic Running-dog Pigs©®™ of the RethugliKKKan Party once-and-for-all? Perhaps I am in need of some re-education; I think I'm going to report myself to my local Kommissar and check into the Karl Marx Center for a few years weeks. Now whatever did I do with my shovel…?

Let us hope he will also remove the obstructionist Supreme Court.

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Comrade Pingvin,

I believe Dear Leader is employing the wise strategy of the "frog in the boiling pot of water" in Bostonivostok. Once the people see the wisdom of these police actions (for the common good, of course), they will realize that they needed *more* police and *fewer* guns in the hands of the people to find this patsy of the right. When the Rethuglikkkans say that this "overwhelming" show of force did not find the framed freedom fighter from Chechnya, the proper response is that they were unfairly restrained from properly protecting the people from their own foolishness. Barakovich is truly wise, and deserves a chance at governing!

Obama 2016! Reject the imperialist lie of term limits!

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Republicans say U.S. headed toward ‘armed revolution': Poll
A survey of Republicans found nearly half agreed that “an armed revolution in order to protect liberties might be necessary in the next few years.”

It found 44 percent of registered Republicans believed an armed rebellion could come in the next few years. But only 18 percent of Democrats and 27 percent of independents agreed.