
Obama Vision for USSA? Puerto Rico!

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Comrades! Let us join in celebration! Dear Obama has refined his vision for this country, and as he asserts, we are on our way to meet his goals!

"Because when I ran for President, I promised to include Puerto Rico not just on my itinerary, but also in my vision of where our country needs to go. And I am proud to say that we've kept that promise, too."

Remarks by the President at a Welcome Event in San Juan, Puerto Rico

Yes! Now this is the sort of Change we can believe in and can see with out very eyes coming into fruition even as our home values, incomes, and world standing come closer and closer to the attainment of Puerto Rico!

Now I will admit that for a moment I was a bit confused. When I first heard this proclamation I immediately considered volunteering as Commissar of PsychAgriculture or Progressive Religious Affairs as I brought out my best Ganja and put some Bob Marley Hymns on.... then I realized that was Jamaica I was thinking of. Oh well, we still have work to do eh Comrades?

Still, we should be thrilled to see our Comrades in Puerto Rico are leading the way for us. Soon, we too shall achieve the lofty heights that they have achieved! They are a lovely example.....with the people living mostly in "green" homes

Yet the more equal than crowd will still have their amenities! Tourism will soon be the USSA's biggest industry! Change Comrades! Change!

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What a lovely hut?!! Just like the one dear Leaders, dear 1/2 bro... brother from another Mother??... lives in. WeThe peasants should be happy to have such a happy aboding.

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Pardon me comrades, I found yet another Obama quote that you just don't see in the news media these days.... just below the quote above about Puerto Rico, in very very fine print, I also discovered this:

"Because when I ran for President, I promised to include Lybia not just on my itinerary, but also in my vision of where our country needs to go. And I am proud to say that we've kept that promise, too."

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Huh. Well would you fancy that. I always thought President Obama wanted us to be more like Anacostia and a little bit less like Puerto Rico. Puerto Rico is rather decadent, for my tastes, and lacks a glittering skyline of public housing, crack dens, and seedy sex shops. Gives me streets lined with dirty syringes over sandy beaches and ocean views any day of the week!

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Where I like to hang my hat and collect my check: Image

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Chairman Puchenko:

The photograph in your LATEST post is almost indistinguishable from Dear Leader's "White House"! I am hoping that YOU are considering the option of "Running For President" under the Peoples' Cube Party Banner. I will send the first $3 to your campaign!

[If so, can I be considered for a Cabinet Position (Actually, any cabinet position will do - 'The Grease Flows Uphill!!!') in Your Administration?] Together we can conquer the Anti-Revolutionary Sub-Human Contingent Located In The Detestable Nation Known As Amerikkka ™ !

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The Chairman is most fortunate to have access for photographing to non-public side (or Aunt Zaytuni wing) of "Barry's Crib."

I am thinking this was the side of White House where he got rid of ditched concluded his talks with Dalai Lama after recent visiting by Comrade Lama, no?

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Chairman M. S. Punchenko wrote:Huh. Well would you fancy that. I always thought President Obama wanted us to be more like Anacostia and a little bit less like Puerto Rico. Puerto Rico is rather decadent, for my tastes....

Too decadent for a Kennedy such as yourself Chairman? I am most surprised Comrade.

Now as a progressive, we are allowed to vocalize our opposition to decadence while at the same time encouraging and subsidizing this.