
Obamacare BronzePlan™ to Save Poor Families Money

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Dateline Washington DC

Today the Internal Revenue Service announced new cost savings for America's poor families, in the form of the new Obamacare BronzePlan™, the cheapest Obamacare plan to be available - at an estimated only $20,000.00 per family!

Presidential Spokesunit Jay "Carney" Carney barked that, "Today the IRS has taken some of the first steps toward making health care affordable for America's underprivileged but fully entitled families, who in the past - like under the previous administration - couldn't afford health care insurance".

A spokesunit for the Internal Revenue Service pointed out that the IRS will be enforcing the Obamacare Plans, and that families who still don't choose voluntarily to purchase Obamacare health insurance plans will be fined several thousand dollars via their yearly taxes.

"Yes, we know that it sounds on the surface like those who simply couldn't afford it before and still can't afford it will now just be fined for not buying it, but trust me - that's a cost savings for America's poor families," stated the IRS Special Agent at the press conference held by the Obama administration.

"Besides," he added, "You know those two billion or so rounds of hollow point ammunition the Department of Homeland Security recently bought, plus those 7000 new assault weapons? How much ammo do YOU have at home? Hmmmm?"

President Barackzebub Hussein Obama was unavailable for comment, as he was playing a round of golf and getting in a little skeet shooting between holes.

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Comrades, it occurs to me how thoughtful it is for the Obama administration to give each BronzePlan™ family their own bronze beet vodka mug with the purchase of a plan - why, an entire newly-benefited and insured family can now drink together as they celebrate being insured!

And THAT, dear friends, is today's progressive new world of NextTuesday™ in action!

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“But we have to pass the bill,
so that you can find out what is in it." ...

Most equal work, Komrade Rock.

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Paraphrasing Louis-Ferdinand Celine: They have the nerve to dress up turds and call them caramels.

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How much is the Pewter Plan? Maybe a bit more affordable than Bronze...

We mustn't blame Dear Leader for the price of healthcare. This is Bush's Fault, and also Romney, who was the inspiration for Obamacare.

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Comrade Photoshopova, there currently IS no Pewter Plan, although that may come in the future - remember, we have to pass these bills to see what's in them.

Myself, I'm hoping for an eventual Mix of Iron and Clay Plan with 10 sub-plans, but in the mean time I shall settle for the BronzePlan™.

You are, of course, correct in asserting that the price of Obamacare is Bush's fault, with a little Romney fault added for spice. But we progs must always be willing to pay the high price of servitude!

If you're happy and you know it, clank your chains!

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Me thinks Obamacare BRASSplan is a better name...

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Anyer Marx wrote:
The attachment Bronze1.jpg is no longer available
I've heard of keeping an "enemies" list. This enema list is something new.
