
Obamanator 2012

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It's game on for the libtards, we have our nominee ...

Need some good soundbites for the movie.


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"Fast 'n Furious" > this <. Holdem can't save you now.

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The above image looks altogether too much like Henry Winkler ... very disquieting.

I wish to offer this bonus image of Jesse Ventura, just because I find it so fetching. I believe he is upset about the truth being told in regard to his boorish personality but one can not be one-hundred percent certain. And I'm not one to drag a thread off topic. Maybe he is simply rallying his third party independent troops in Minnesota to assure another Democrat election victory.

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ThePeoplesComrade wrote:This looks altogether too much like Henry Winkler ... very disquieting.

I think the Fonz is a Progressive ...Here is the Romz I took creative liberties with ...


But then again put most anybody with dark hair, sunglasses, then put them on a motorcycle you get the Fonz ... may be even Comrade Weiner could be the Fonz. The Romz does look like a man that could club baby seals and drown kittens I think.

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Infidel Castrate wrote:
ThePeoplesComrade wrote:This looks altogether too much like Henry Winkler ... very disquieting.

I think the Fonz is a Progressive ...Here is the Romz I took creative liberties with ...

Yes, the Fonz is one of us. That is why I found it distressing to have one of our heroes resemble that horrible wife-killing, dog-abusing Mormon.

But the Party gives you a pass due to the most equal quality of you graphic.