
Obamasiah's plan for the Defense of Amerika.

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I found a wonderful video, it should be shown to all comrades, it depicts the Obamasiah's plan for the defense of Amerika.


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In a sane world, a candidate running on this platform would at best get no more than 17% of the vote.

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Commissar Maksim wrote:Image
In a sane world, a candidate running on this platform would at best get no more than 17% of the vote.

What world are you living in? This is Amerika, the next great Progressive Movement.

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Okay, yeah. We're fucked if he's elected. We'll meet the same end as the Romans did.

Don't you mean like the Greeks, Premier Betty?? My ass is in pucker mode after watching that video. I also have a tingling sensation running up and down my leg that's giving me the willies.

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(Karakter Off)

Why not just paint "NUKE US" on the side of the White House?

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Image Dayem....he's even more naive than I imagined.

Let's start another "Hands Across America" except this time it can be "Hands Across the Global Community". We'll all hold hands and pray to Gaia and then all of the nations w/ nuclear weapons will see us and denounce their evil proliferation of these dirty things and they will hand them over to the U.N. and the U.N. will turn them into playgrounds for inner-city children and then the world will live in peace and harmony and communes....yeah!!

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I saw this video while getting ready for work this morning...

"Children of Abraham," We must "get out of our heads and into our hearts." (After watching the video in this thread I realize that Obama is in fact Out of his Head.) Maybe the "chain around my mind" is to tight because I just dont get this mans thought process or any liberals thought process...If we all just hug, hold hands, kiss, talk, spoon, and make love nobody will ever die.

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"I will seek a global ban on the production of fissile material"

World Leaders respond:

Kim Jong-Il "Yeah, okay, we stop making nukes Barack"

Ahmadinejad "That was such a moving speech... of course we honor world wide ban on fissile material."

Vladimir Putin (wicked smile)

So I guess that rules out John McCain's plan proposal for 45 new nuclear reactors to be built, eh? I'm no nuclear scientist but doesn't old fissionable material have to be replaced with new fissionable material at some point, basically refueling the reactors. Does that mean that all nuclear reactors have to be taken down.

This is so Carter-esque.


forest hunter
Whatchy'all said and ........ RIK, up until now I only thought he was a Pelossi-class stupid destroyer!

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Image I have seen this video for a long time, and it just blows my mind that this is out there and people still think this fool can be president. He can't say this was some "swiftboating" or anything, he is the one putting it out there. Those failed missile interception tests? What a maroon! Guess he didn't read the news as we were even shooting down cold satellites that it wasn't designed for.

Going to talk with Russia about taking our missiles off "hair trigger" alert? Dear God... some one help me here. Was it under Clinton or George Sr. that we did this? I know we took them off the pre-targeted status. Yes. we can no doubt re-target if we must, but we are certainly not on the "hair-trigger" that we were once.

Then we have that other, oh so appropriate video for the fools we have here now. "Let's get out of our heads, and into our hearts." Let's all stop using our mind, logic, reason.... Do what feels good! I am sick to death of this country and the fools we have allowed to prosper.

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Commissar Pupovich wrote:Image I have seen this video for a long time, and it just blows my mind that this is out there and people still think this fool can be president. He can't say this was some "swiftboating" or anything, he is the one putting it out there. Those failed missile interception tests? What a maroon! Guess he didn't read the news as we were even shooting down cold satellites that it wasn't designed for.

Going to talk with Russia about taking our missiles off "hair trigger" alert? Dear God... some one help me here. Was it under Clinton or George Sr. that we did this? I know we took them off the pre-targeted status. Yes. we can no doubt re-target if we must, but we are certainly not on the "hair-trigger" that we were once.

Then we have that other, oh so appropriate video for the fools we have here now. "Let's get out of our heads, and into our hearts." Let's all stop using our mind, logic, reason.... Do what feels good! I am sick to death of this country and the fools we have allowed to prosper.
Get a bunch of fools together and, yes, yahoos like Obama can become president, and I thought there was a system so people like this couldn't become presidnet, but I guess like you, Commissar Pupovich, I've lost faith in that system.

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[karacter off]

"Hair Trigger Alert"????

Where the hell did he get that? Our ICBMs have been off of targeted alert for at least ..... 15 years (?) that I can recall. Did someone forget to tell him that the Cold War is over and that our side, Capitalism, won.... and that his side, Socialism, lost? Does he not know that his political, social, and economic model, The Soviet Union, ceased to exist back in 1991/1992?

It's incredulous to think that this guy has a real shot at becoming the next President!
