
Our comrades in Hollywood explain justice for traitor Nina!

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I give thanks to our Hollywood comrades for their portrayal of justice for a traitor to Mother Russia. They explain everything here:

The Americans showrunners explain that shocking death

On one hand, what is captured in the show is embarrassing as it documents how pathetic we became in the 80's prior to that weak weasel "Gorby". Papa Joe would have put a bullet in Nina's head on the flight back to Russia.

On the other hand, the leniency shown on the show will be a good blueprint for a transition path in America, after Comrade Bernie is elected.

We will need the continued cooperation of our Hollywood faithful to numb the public to what is coming down the road!

from the linked article:
"One of the most powerful things is that [historically the actual executions] were choreographed and staged by the execution team. Because they did it quite a number of times, they learned once the person heard what was going to happen to them, invariably their knees buckled. And so they learned to place a person on each side of them to catch them by their elbows, because they wanted to shoot the person in the back of the head — so they couldn't have the person fall. That was our staging, but also their staging. Also, the person read the verdict then stepped out of the way at the same time to not get blood on themselves. In was interesting to follow their actual staging, and to think about something like that being choreographed."

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link korrekted. Have mercy on me, mods, for my lack of colorful graphics in the original post!