
Palin Emails are E-fails

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I the good commoderer is drunk, loaded, bomb, blitzed toastifieded. I've spent the past five days pouring over Palunss emails''''oh did I write pouring? goodie reminds me time for another shot

booze baby 2.jpg thasss the ticket. Were waz me, oh telling the collumptive that I has funished going through all of Paylums emails, thats rite comruds alls of them.
Did that she devilnuss write anysomething that'ss I could use to send her packing off to the tunndra for goods????? NOPERS!!!! No mentions of sellibrating Hitler's birthday, no scheduled KKK meetings, I couldunst find one thing that one could call racissstsss towards anybooties. Good Linens I need another drink..........Aw's thasss besser. Oh did I tells you I loves all you man? I truly doos. Now this Pullen person is jusss plain evils, I knows she wrote the emalls just as a cover to hide her memburships in the Legion of Doom. Her and Lux Lurthy Supermans arch foe is in cohooties I jusss know it. I wilf get the dirts on her, I wilfs!!!!! I wi...................Plop......zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz........

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Comrades. These are very sad times, indeed. Not since since Senor Geraldo failed to turn up anything more than an empty bottle of booze (produced by an inspiring Kapitalist) in Al Capone's vault has the Ministry of Propaganda been so disillusioned. Commodore Woogums. Pass the bottle.

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Comrade Snoogie Woogums, what in Stalin is the matter with you? Why are you so down? There was tons of stuff in the Palin emails to get her on! Did you not see all the redacted areas? Do you think that was just blocked out to hide some legitimate state's business? No comrade! Those blacked out areas ARE the target! And since they are blacked out, we can put whatever words we want to fill them in with. Buck up comrades! Have a Pup's ProgoPoobburger™, and get back to work.

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Hey! Hey! I Think I found one here! Palin was thinking about stealing state resources for her own use! Check this out:


Seems that someone for some reason has been going through
My garbage. First I thought it might be a skunk or some other vermin
Seeking leftovers, but I noticed that the culprit ignored food and
Mostly took paper. I can't imagine what they might be looking for,
Especially as this is only taking place at the house where almost
All the trash is tin cans and other household refuse. I guess it could be
Rats trying to get stuff to pad out their nests, but that's usually in the
Fall or early winter. It isn't really a big deal, but it is a source of constant
Annoyance. Whoever is doing this is leaving a real mess behind and
It's getting old having to pick up the stuff they leave strewn all over the

Something needs to be done, but I hate to use any state resources
As this is only going on at the house. It would be an abuse of a
Governor's authority to detail off manpower to stake out the trash of
A private citizen, and I'm not about to make exceptions for myself.
I guess I'll have to build some kind of lockable enclosure around the trash, but
Nothing can keep out a determined press weasel.

She was going to use state personnel to guard her trash can! Malfeasance! Well, okay, she didn't actually do it, and she said it would be wrong. BUT SHE THOUGHT ABOUT IT!

Anyhow, look at how the stupid bimbo capitalizes the first letter of each line. What a loser!

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Ivan Betinov wrote:Anyhow, look at how the stupid bimbo capitalizes the first letter of each line. What a loser!
WOW! How stupid is she? For Stalin's sake! Palin must be a product of private schools or, even homeschooling. Look at these glorious A holes whistleblowers of the Minisrty of Propaganda working foolishly diligently trying to expose the falsehoods truths of Sarah Palin. It makes my progressive heart swell with indigestion pride to see such manpower going into exposing the racist sexist right-wingers.

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Ivan Betinov wrote:She was going to use state personnel to guard her trash can! Malfeasance! Well, okay, she didn't actually do it, and she said it would be wrong. BUT SHE THOUGHT ABOUT IT!

If she was anyone other than Sarah Impalin' we could nail her on a "thought crime": Guilt by just THINKING about doing something. But as we all know, Sarah Impalin' is immune to such charges.

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Good Marx,

What a hangover. Thank goodness for the bucket. HEY, WHAT's THIS??????? Who is the wise guy comrade that put me in a bee suit???????? YOUR GOING TO PAY!!!!!!!!!!!

This is an embarrassment, hold on a sec new E-mail just arrived in my inbox. Hopefully that will take my mind off this horrid turn of events.

[table][tr][td]from:[/td] [td]Sarah Palin[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]to:[/td] [td]Commodore Snoogie Woogums[/td] [/tr] [/table]
Glad to see you were pouring over all my old Emails. Sorry, but it seems you were "stung" if you were looking for dirt.

Sarah in 2012!!

ARGHHHHHHHHHHHH,,,,,,,,,,,I HATES THIS WOMAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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El Presidente wrote:[highlight=#ffffff]
Ivan Betinov wrote:Anyhow, look at how the stupid bimbo capitalizes the first letter of each line. What a loser!
WOW! How stupid is she? For Stalin's sake! Palin must be a product of private schools or, even homeschooling. Look at these glorious A holes whistleblowers of the Minisrty of Propaganda working foolishly diligently trying to expose the falsehoods truths of Sarah Palin. It makes my progressive heart swell with indigestion pride to see such manpower going into exposing the racist sexist right-wingers.

el comrade what sort of elitist are you eh comrade? even after you were warned of the pathetic waste of using capital letters to start a sentence, you fell right into that trap! or do you think you are better than others? perhaps you need a little time in the karl marx re-education center yourself.

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Marshal Pupovich wrote:
El Presidente wrote:el comrade what sort of elitist are you eh comrade? even after you were warned of the pathetic waste of using capital letters to start a sentence, you fell right into that trap! or do you think you are better than others? perhaps you need a little time in the karl marx re-education center yourself.
you are correct, sir. my most profound apologies to the party. i should know by now that all letters are equal. as comrade weiner has so publicly shown, size does not matter. please forgive me for my elitist KKKapitalist letters. i have just received my t-shirt from the party establishment that will assist me in my effort to refrain from using elitist letters. i will ware it with glorious pride.

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very good comrade el presidente, you do well to pay attention. now before the question arises, and in case you have not discovered, all numbers are equal as well as demonstrated got it, PeoplesMath™

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Well I have proof that she destroyed evidence here.

Why don't right wing dictators accept that their personal information, family pictures and such need to be just as out in the open as the democrats are?

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Chedoh wrote:Well I have proof that she destroyed evidence here.

Why don't right wing dictators accept that their personal information, family pictures and such need to be just as out in the open as the democrats are?

I have heard even more scandalous facts (and when I say heard, I mean I am spreading them so therefore they must be true) that those private Yahoo emails that were addressed to other state officials were in fact associated with a Bible study group that lay hidden inside the government! Yes! You heard me! She is also guilty of crossing the most sacred of progressive red lines, church vs state. I have even seen her use the words "God bless" which go beyond the pale.