
Party of Death: Abortion Is Birth Equality!

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Comrades, compatriots and compadres:

Most loyal Democrat Comrade Wendy Davis, from (spit) red state of Texas, was most successful in stopping all democratic voting process from proceeding last week!! Unborn will still be killed after 5 months! (can we have a 'Hurray!'?)

I am not hearing if dear leader called her his personal congratulatories as he did with Sandra 'Do Them All' Fluke or Jason "Gay Give Me More $' Collin, but I am thinking she will be getting personal visitation to White House for gloating purposes!

MS Davis will be the newest Star of Democrat Party of Death (we are still waiting for rising again of Comrade Weiner)! What better way to redefine 'family' than homosexual adoptions of daddy plus daddy or the ultimate redefining of family unit by removing potencial family unit members?!!

Our glorious Party of Death is moving forward to capture more democratic voters by killing their off springers! (I am still contemplation how this is working but I know it will come to me).

Time for celebratories for Comrade Wendy! Free vodka for all (which will be paid for by Comrade yet to be named)

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Aw but Miz Davis is white and half purdy. Now let's talk about a REAL HERO-

Rep. Eleanor Holmes Norton: Abortion is a “Constitutional right”

And as our grate leedurs said-

"Destroy the family, you destroy the country." -Vladimir Ilyich Lenin

"Abolition of the family! Even the most radical flare up at this infamous proposal of the Communists.

On what foundation is the present family, the bourgeois family, based? On capital, on private gain. In its completely developed form, this family exists only among the bourgeoisie. But this state of things finds its complement in the practical absence of the family among proletarians, and in public prostitution.

The bourgeois family will vanish as a matter of course when its complement vanishes, and both will vanish with the vanishing of capital.

Do you charge us with wanting to stop the exploitation of children by their parents? To this crime we plead guilty." - The Communist Manifesto of 1848
Last edited by Vladimir_Scratchanitch on 7/1/2013, 3:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason for editing this post: Added quotes from the grate leaders

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"Destroy the family, you destroy the country." -Vladimir Ilyich Lenin Was not the dearest of dear leaders, the dearest of all leaders? Our dear leader should come up with more quotables to be admired and quoted.

But we cannot take away from Comrade Davis and her unquenchable filibustering abilities. All babies have right to be aborted, do they not?!! 20 weeks, 39 weeks --- "What difference at this point does it make?" We are proud to abort the abortables! "No abortion is too soon or too late!" (bumper stickers to be available in the Peoples Laundry and Saloon a week from next Tuesday.)

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Fraulein Frankenfeinstein wrote:"No abortion is too soon or too late!" (bumper stickers to be available in the Peoples Laundry and Saloon a week from next Tuesday.)
Comrade Frau, I for one, have run into a multitude of people who were begging for a retroactive abortion.

Whether my right to follow through with administering those retroactive abortions is Constitutional, seems to be a subject of debate.

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Fraulein Frankenfeinstein wrote: (bumper stickers to be available in the Peoples Laundry and Saloon a week from next Tuesday.)

I really am going to turn this one into a bumpersticker in the near future...

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Well, ignoring the facial "noise", if Comrade Wendy is not an UltraSuperHot Babe, (and CLEARLY A RISER In The Glorious Heroic Peoples Revolutionary Party) (and also one who will definitely require the services of an Abortionist Lady Doctor), then my our entire collective will have to remove the Full-Life-Sized posters of Her from our respective bedroom walls.

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I've heard from a reliable source that fomer Dear Leader, Bill Clinton, has requested Comrade Davis model a blue dress for him in recognition of her efforts.

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And after all, wasn't it Dear Leader who said, "If it will "abort" just one child isn't it worth trying?" Or... was that "save" just one child? I forget. Jiffy-Lobos™ have that effect on me...

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[quote="Fraulein Frankenfeinstein"]I am not hearing if dear leader called her his personal congratulatories as he did with Sandra 'Do Them All' Fluke or Jason "Gay Give Me More $' Collin...[/quote][/color][/font]

As predictable as the sun rising and setting, Dear Leader never lets a crisis go to waste. Of course he had to get word out to his fellow-agitators that he is on their side in supporting abortions in the second and third trimester. . .

[attachment=0]Screen Shot 2013-07-01 at 7.11.23 PM.png[/attachment]

As we know from Dear Leader's time in the Illinois State Senate, he savored his few votes that were not cast as "Present" for three times voting "No" on the Born Alive Infant Protection Act. In other words, not only is Dear Leader supportive of post-viability abortions, he is supportive of post-birth abortions. Most progressive indeed.

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Methinks Comrade Wendy is ready for her own line of T-shirts, bumper stickers and surgical masks in the New Progressive Style™ (monochromatic fuzzy outlines without substance)
At the very least, there is a cross-marketing opportunity for pink tennis shoes with a message.

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I am well pleased to see that dear leader was a Twit.... Twitting... Tweeter... well, whatever, the good news of Death Reigning in Austin! He doesn't not want his Obamaettes to be "burdened" with unwanted human pre-aborts. This should be the newest ordained law of the land. ABORTIONS ON DEMANDED WHETHER DEMANDED OR NOT!