
Perhaps We Shall Not Require a Loyalty Oath After All!

Raum Emmanual Goldstein

Yet another Glorious BREAKTHOUGH in Progressive Technology! First we brought you the Complete Circles of Life™ Healthcare System, then the Complete Circles of Life Bio-Chip™ and now from the Obama-controlled DARPA…..(presented here in its unaltered form):


U.S. soldiers subjected to 'mind control'
Look what Pentagon is putting in heads of America's warriors

Posted: September 12, 2010
6:18 pm Eastern
By Bob Unruh

The U.S. military long has been able to launch a missile, explode a bridge or fire a weapon with the push of a button. Under testing now is a system intended to control a soldier's psychiatric status, make him alert, reduce his stress and intervene when he suffers pain, among other applications, with the press of a button.

The plan is being developed by an assistant professor at Arizona State University's School of Life Sciences, where William Tyler explains that available neurotechnology shows that "brain stimulation" is capable of treating neurological diseases and brain injuries as well as "serving platforms around which brain-computer interfaces can be built for various purposes."

In a report at the Armed with Science military website, Tyler explains that "Warfighters" can be given "strategic advantages" through helmets fitted with ultrasound transducers and microcontroller devices for a range of applications to include pain intervention, "cognitive enhancement," reducing stress and anxiety, "behavioral reinforcement," wakefulness and alertness, "navigational commands" and "neurological/psychiatric intervention."

"We have developed working and conceptual prototypes in which ballistic helmets can be fitted with ultrasound transducers and microcontroller devices," he said.

Using funding from a grant from the Defense Advanced Research Project Agency, he said every aspect of "human sensation, perception, emotion, and behavior is regulated by brain activity. Thus, having the ability to stimulate brain function is a powerful technology."

He said he worked to develop a technology that implements "transcranial pulsed ultrasound to remotely and directly stimulate brain circuits without requiring surgery."

"Further, we have shown this ultrasonic neuromodulation approach confers a spatial resolution approximately five times greater than TMS and can exert its effects upon subcortical brain circuits deep within the brain," he said.

"Our research will begin undergoing the next phases of research and development aimed towards engineering future applications using this neurotechnology for our country's warfighters," he said. "Here, we will continue exploring the influence of ultrasound on brain function and begin using transducer phased arrays to examine the influence of focused ultrasound on intact brain circuits."

He will also study using "capacitive micromachined ultrasonic transducers" for brain stimulation.

On the Armed With Science website forum, "Marc" lamented that it was "a pity" that science and scientists dedicate their efforts "to war instead of peace."

Added John Pattison, "This is the missing link between artificial intelligence, brain computer uploading, even cyborg research and special ability of telepathy, esp, psychic, pentacostal Christians who access others thoughts via the spiritual realm."

In a Popular Science commentary on the issue, Clay Dillow wrote that other attempts at similar work always involved "surgically implanted electrodes," and transcranial magnetic stimulation has "limited reach."

"Tyler's technology, packaged in a warfighter's helmet, would allow soldiers to flip a switch to stimulate different regions of their brains," he suggested, "helping them relieve battle stress when it's time to get some rest, or to boost alertness during long periods without sleep.

"Grunts could even relieve pain from injuries or wounds without resorting to pharmaceutical drugs," he said.

[Queue Maniacal Laughter]


"...brain stimulation"… neurological ‘diseases' [nudge, nudge, wink, wink….say-no-more] and brain 'injuries'... microcontroller devices…"cognitive enhancement," [nudge, nudge, wink, wink….say-no-more] … "behavioral reinforcement," … and "neurological/psychiatric intervention." [nudge, nudge, wink, wink….say-no-more]… every aspect of "human sensation, perception, emotion, and behavior is regulated by… transcranial pulsed ultrasound to remotely and directly stimulate brain circuits without requiring surgery."…. exert its effects upon subcortical brain circuits deep within the brain,"

OH! WHERE shall we BEGIN???!!

I am so giddy with excitement over this….

I am so… I actually find myself at a loss for words.

What is this? Moisture on my face? Why, are these?... YES! They are tears! Tears of JOY!

Oh, if only Die Fuehrer had this in the late 1930's or early 1940's perhaps he would not have had to contend mit so much disloyalty in die Wehrmacht.

At least now the Dear Leader (PBUH) shall not have to concern Himself with such trivial matters. With these devices -- melded with our CCOL Bio-Chip technology, of course -- we'll not have such “crisis of consciousness” among the ranks.

Imagine! No more ThoughtCrime within the ranks! No more McCrystals!

I'm so excited…I shall not require that “little blue pill” for weeks!

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Glorious News, Comrade.......Think of how this device can be used to control the proletariat.......Oh wait, we already have American Idol, et al.

As you were.

Raum Emmanual Goldstein
The Central Scrutinizer wrote:Glorious News, Comrade.......Think of how this device can be used to control the proletariat.......Oh wait, we already have American Idol, et al.

As you were.

No, no...actually you raise a whole new and very viable set of derivatives to the Military And Law Enforcement Volunteer Observation Loyalty Enhancement/Navigational-Tactical™ Device -- aka. The MALEVOLENT™ Device.

We've not quite found a name for it yet, but one derivative device will be installed on new digital voting machines to help enhance the cognative ability of the voter by stimulating the cerebral cortex to select only the optimal candidates based on digitally driven rational choice models.

One bug that we've not yet sorted out is how this device will be adapted for Necroproxies and Undocumented Democrats...Some at the Josef Mangele institute are in favour of uping the amperage to achieve the desired responses.

We are also drafting plans for a similar device that should aid in the indoctrination re-education persuasion of Obamacare opponents to see the benefits accruing to the porgram...and another "safety helmet" that will be required wear for teabaggers who wish to stage demonstrations anywhere within a 50-mile radius of the DC Metroplex.

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Pain intervention, cognitive enhancement, reducing stress and anxiety, navigational commands, neurological/psychiatric intervention and especially
behavioral reinforcement
have long been mastered by the Party and has been taken to it's ultimate zenith under Premier Obamao's masterful use.

Example A1:


I do like the potential military applications in counter rethugliKKKan teabagger terrorism.

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neurological ‘diseases' [nudge, nudge, wink, wink….say-no-more] and brain 'injuries'... microcontroller devices…"cognitive enhancement,"

It is always pleasing, is it not, when loyal progressives do not fear of being call Progressive, but rather flaunt their wares. What better way to control manipulatemake suggestion to our trusted soldiers (cough cough) then encourage their mind-think along the correct progressive path!

Not to even mention, that one of the biproducts would be a reduction in Rethuglican votes, would it not? ah yes, I see a glorious new future in the future of next Tuesday.
bo votes.jpg
WHY, my sweet Stalin, look what I just happen to find!!

Good work, Comrade Goldstein!

User avatar
Odd that you should bring up the subject of the OATH, Comrade Raum Emmanual Goldstein.

There is a group calling themselves "Oath Keepers", who are "Military, Veterans, and peace officers who will honor their oaths to defend the Constitution, will NOT “just follow orders.”

Oaths are so quaint and old fashioned that most sheep public school enlightened people taking an OATH, view it as "just some stupid words I have to say to get the job".

Then there's the "Extremist Report" from April 2009 where Comrade Janet Napolitano said... that she was briefed before the release of a controversial intelligence assessment and that she stands by the report, which lists_[highlight=#ffff00]returning veterans[/highlight]_among terrorist risks to the U.S.

janet watch list.jpg

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In my next life I want to be a cartoonist. (Please don't make me be a sea captain again.)

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Your "next life" . . . have you discussed that with Obama's Death Panelist Healthcare Administrators? I am sure, if it were necessary for you to be a sea captain again, you would be eager to serve for the betterment of all. But perhaps there is time, to request a change of service before you needed demise? Please contact your nearest IRS Agent for further details.

psssst, might I suggest, Comrade Comrade, just for human interest sake, that you use a fictitious name for your inquiry. They do love the jester after all. (cough cough)

Raum Emmanual Goldstein
Vladimir_Scratchanitch wrote:Odd that you should bring up the subject of the OATH, Comrade Raum Emmanual Goldstein.

There is a group calling themselves "Oath Keepers", who are "Military, Veterans, and peace officers who will honor their oaths to defend the Constitution, will NOT “just follow orders.”

Oaths are so quaint and old fashioned that most sheep public school enlightened people taking an OATH, view it as "just some stupid words I have to say to get the job".

Then there's the "Extremist Report" from April 2009 where Comrade Janet Napolitano said... that she was briefed before the release of a controversial intelligence assessment and that she stands by the report, which lists_[highlight=#ffff00]returning veterans[/highlight]_among terrorist risks to the U.S.

janet watch list.jpg

That, Comrade Scratchanitch, is precisely why the MALEVOLENT™ Device is such a ground breaking technology. Soldiers will be offered the opportunity to have these installed as a prophylactic measure -- similar to an anthrax vaccine, etc. -- to prevent them from having to stress over legal orders, oaths, and other trivial matters and focus on completing the vital missions given them by their Commander-in-chief (PBUH). If they opt NOT to have the device installed, they will face court martial -- similar to an anthrax vaccine, etc.

So, we should not have to worry about "returning veterans" or "oath keepers."

Janet was right to be concerned about "returning veterans"...Colonel Claus Schenk Graf von Stauffenberg was a "returning veteran."

Raum Emmanual Goldstein
Fraulein Pulloskies wrote:Your "next life" . . . have you discussed that with Obama's Death Panelist Healthcare Administrators? I am sure, if it were necessary for you to be a sea captain again, you would be eager to serve for the betterment of all. But perhaps there is time, to request a change of service before you needed demise? Please contact your nearest IRS Agent for further details.

psssst, might I suggest, Comrade Comrade, just for human interest sake, that you use a fictitious name for your inquiry. They do love the jester after all. (cough cough)

Sadly, Fraulein Pulloskies, the Death Panelist Healthcare Administrator positions have been rendered obsolete by the Complete Circles of Life Bio-Chip. ... t5843.html

Those that have been hired to serve on the death panels will be able to keep their positions, even though there will not be much for them to do aside from writing Obamacare regulation updates and surfing the internet for pornography ...but there is still a very high demand for IRS agents...that is, of course, only if one has failed to pay their taxes in the past eight years or so.

Otherwise, Welfare Proxy Specialists is still a growing sector. The only qualification for this position is the ability to eat Twinkies and Doritos in a reclining position whist watching Oprah and Judge Judy reruns. The need to be able to sign ones name to a welfare check social justice remuneration/reparation chit is no longer required with the advent of direct deposit. Bonus potential exists for Welfare Proxy Specialists who can give birth to generate new recruits.

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Raum Emmanual Goldstein wrote: Janet was right to be concerned about "returning veterans"...Colonel Claus Schenk Graf von Stauffenberg was a "returning veteran."

The difference between "War Heroes" and "War Criminals" highly depends on WHO WON THE WAR.

Raum Emmanual Goldstein
Vladimir_Scratchanitch wrote:
Raum Emmanual Goldstein wrote: Janet was right to be concerned about "returning veterans"...Colonel Claus Schenk Graf von Stauffenberg was a "returning veteran."

The difference between "War Heroes" and "War Criminals" highly depends on WHO WON THE WAR.

By any progressive standard, von Stauffenberg was most certainly guilty of disloyalty to his duly elected commander-in-chief...if not treason for attempting to murder his visionary leader.

I am sure you will agree, Com. Scratchanitch, that we cannot allow such breeches of conduct against our Dear Leader (PBUH).

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Raum Emmanual Goldstein wrote:
Vladimir_Scratchanitch wrote:
Raum Emmanual Goldstein wrote: Janet was right to be concerned about "returning veterans"...Colonel Claus Schenk Graf von Stauffenberg was a "returning veteran."

The difference between "War Heroes" and "War Criminals" highly depends on WHO WON THE WAR.

By any progressive standard, von Stauffenberg was most certainly guilty of disloyalty to his duly elected commander-in-chief...if not treason for attempting to murder his visionary leader.

I am sure you will agree, Com. Scratchanitch, that we cannot allow such breeches of conduct against our Dear Leader (PBUH).

My dear Comrade REG, I am somewhat compelled to report to you that it may already too late to depose our Dear Leader (PBUH) to save our hides. The proles are foaming at the mouth like rabid dogs and making noises like they intend to overthrow the Obama RevolutionTM. From what I hear, they are ready to move on the District of Corruption with pitchforks and torches.


The Nomenklatura are making other plans-

Dem aides could face massive layoffs

By ERIKA LOVLEY | 9/14/10 4:46 AM EDT Updated: 9/14/10 12:23 PM EDT

midterm elections.jpg

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We've developed some promising new treatments for heresy, father.

Raum Emmanual Goldstein
Vladimir_Scratchanitch wrote: My dear Comrade REG, I am somewhat compelled to report to you that it may already too late to depose our Dear Leader (PBUH) to save our hides. The proles are foaming at the mouth like rabid dogs and making noises like they intend to overthrow the Obama RevolutionTM. From what I hear, they are ready to move on the District of Corruption with pitchforks and torches.

Com. Scratchanitch:

You appear somewhat compelled to report to me that it may already too late to depose our Dear Leader (PBUH)?

I am not certain as to what you are implying, sir. [highlight=#ffff00]Are not a returning veteran? Have you joined the conspirators with the Many-Titted Empress?[/highlight] I pray you will reconsider the words you are selecting more wisely, lest I should denounce you for what appears to be a breach of loyalty on your part. What part, sir, of the title Dear Leader for Life (PBUH) do you not understand?

I see from your avatar's facial expression, you appear in a most apoplectic panic over these detestable proles foaming about the mouth like rabid dogs and making noises like they intend to overthrow the Obama Revolution.

[SLAP! SLAP!] GET AHOLD OF YOURSELF MAN! Put down the butt bomb and listen to reason!

[highlight=#ffff00]We are on the very BRINK of ultimate triumph![/highlight] Do NOT abandon your Dear Leader (APBUH) like some lily-livered, outer-party, Acorn/SEIU pawn thug tool member. Indeed the enemy IS at the gates, and our Dear Leader (PBUH) has retired to die Fueherbunker. [highlight=#ffff00]What you fail to grasp is that in a Progressive World, history is NEVER allowed to repeat itself.[/highlight]

You may be of the impression that the Teabagging masses arrayed about us signals impending doom; however, you must recognize that we now have them EXACTLY where the Dear Leader wants them! It is the Greatest leaders who are able to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat….or wait…is it “snatch defeat from the jaws of victory”… Whatever… [highlight=#ffff00]The whole point of my article is that our new wonder weapons incredible breakthroughs in mind control enhancement technology will turn these pitchfork and torch wielding boobs about on their heels[/highlight].

Since you may have missed the fine print:

The MALEVOLENT Device will ensure the military/law enforcement apparatus follows our commands. Once privately-owned firearms outlawed in the “lame duck” session, only the outlaws government will have firearms….As Mao said…”Political Power grows out of the barrel of a gun.”


With your purchase of the MALEVOLENT Device, you shall receive another valuable, civilian model mind controlenhancement device:

... the Voter Assisted Government Unifier-Electronic (VAGUE) device, a derivative of the MALEVOLENT to be installed on new digital voting machines to help enhance the cognitive ability of the voter by stimulating the cerebral cortex to select only the optimal candidates based on digitally driven rational choice models.

[highlight=#ffff00]In this case the VAGUE device will administer electroshock therapy for those obviously mentally ill voters who wish to select someone other than the Dear Leader (PBUH)…each time they push the button for the opposition – ZAP! Should they make the correct choice, they will receive stimulus of the cerebral cortex designed to induce an obasm. If they vote early and often, multiple obasms may be achieved[/highlight].


With your purchase of the MALEVOLENT Device, and your VAGUE free gift, you shall receive

The Helmet of Safety -- required wear for anyone wishing to participate in large-scale demonstrations anywhere within a 50-mile radius of the DC Metroplex – which like the MALEVOLENT Device, ensures its wearers become mind-numbed robots safety from the baseball bat wielding SEIU counter-demonstrators. [highlight=#ffff00]As a bonus, the Helmet of Safety, when worn at Town Hall meetings (by regulation) stimulates the wearers to silently nod their heads and give applause at the tripe information passed down from their duly-elected masters legislators.[/highlight]


Each of these new devices slices, dices and makes Julian Fries!
(whatever the hell those things are).


Should these devices fail to yield the desire results, then we will employ [highlight=#ffff00]Operation Grecian Doomsday where the legions Orks Obamazombies Welfare Slaves liberal voters will rise up and smite our foes once and for all to protect the Dear Leader (PBUH) and His magical “Stash” (the wellspring from which all blessings flow).[/highlight]

And NEVER forget the Michael Jackson, “Thriller” defense: an enormous phalanx of Necroproxies just ‘dying' to vote absentee to retain the Dear Leader (PBUH).

So, remember as our Great Leader (PBUH), FDR once said: “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.” And, one must remember, FDR was nowhere near as gifted, dynamic or vibrant as the DEAR LEADER FOR LIFE (PBUH).

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Well Comrade REG, while we are being inventive, don't forget our 50 million about-to-be-naturalized Democrat Electing Allied Friends from South Of the Border (DEAFSOB)

Raum Emmanual Goldstein
Vladimir_Scratchanitch wrote:Well Comrade REG, while we are being inventive, don't forget our 50 million about-to-be-naturalized Democrat Electing Allied Friends from South Of the Border (DEAFSOB)


That is the loyal Com. Scratchanitch I have come to know and love (in a strictly platonic and politically correct sort of way, of course).

Indeed, the 50 million DEAFSOBs are our reserves. Although, I am very confident we shalnt need them.