
Photoshop CS6 Beta...

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... is available for free for 60 days here...

Not that *I* would ever consider using such a capitalist bourgeois thing. I do all my graphic
art with pencils, pens, and paint from the Motherland and then photograph it with my trusty Polaroid.

Just sayin'...

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I think it is unequal that even if they gave me the program and half of Maksims' talent I still couldn't do 1/4 of what he does... sigh

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Comrade Darski, these are the things we must live with, and also why there is beet vodka.

And there is a steep learning curve when getting started with this >spit< capitalist software. But for those already using it, a free 60 days of the latest version is like a glimmer (in a non-equal way) of Next Tuesday, especially if what they currently have is pre-CS5.

And now I shall sip vodka and pretend (via content-aware fill and now content aware patch) that I may someday be as good as Maksim, Red Square, and others...

First Solyndra [spend all their money], then Liquidation [get rid of them]...........

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I am sticking with Paint Shop Pro. This, combined with my limited talent, will prevent me from creating anything good enough to make any else feel bad about themselves. Guaranteed Equality of Results