
President Obama Not Responsible, Didn't Know Anything

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Dateline Washington DC -

Today President-for-Life Barackzebub Husseinovich Obama set the record straight during a press conference, saying "Let me be clear. I am not a crook."

The president made it plain that he knew nothing - and still knows very little - about what happened in Benghazi, or why it happened (other than that it was caused by a racist YouTube video), as well as anything about the IRS making what seem to be perfectly reasonable requests of conservative groups, like when they asked a pro-life group about the content of their prayers.

The president also knew nothing, and still knows very little, about any telephone record nonsense with the Associated Press. He commented, "We gave them all free Obamaphones™ - that means we are entitled to listen in on anything they say. Isn't that obvious?"

President Obama stated, for the record, that "Hey - I'm the president, I'm not an emperor. The rules are whatever I say they are."

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Incidentally, the president also stated, "Look, I was headed for Vegas the next day for campaigning - I wouldn't have had time to deal with something on the other side of the world even if I HAD known about it!"

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Comrade R.O.C.K,

Your shoring up of President Barack Hussein Obama (PBUH) brings another tear to my eye. Your kindhearted post most cetainly will be blazoned upon Dear Leader's™ rolltop desk for daily, no.... HOURLY, rubbernecking. All I can say is keep up the good work Comrade. Has the merciful IRS contacted you yet?

Hey, do you think we talk about the IRS on the golf course?

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I am hating to say, but this is the same krapola my sons would try to tell me, "I know nothing!", "I did nothing!" But of course he did not know anything -- it is not his job to know anythings. It is not his job to be doing anythings.... he is.... Barackzebub Husseinovich Obama the First and that is enough, is it not?!

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Indeed, Comrade Fraulein - I could not have been saying it better myself!

He is the One!


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I hate PETA, I don't even like my cat, but I feel bad for any monkey who is used to represent the @$$ holes in this administration.

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humm, I am thinking the monkey creature in the middle has Obama's ears... but than I am thinking that sounds racist so it must have been said by Chris Matthews and that's where I heard it? YES, THAT IS IT!!

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But on Benghazi Premier Hussein didn't even vote "Present"....

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President Obama, like all black men, had to work twice as hard to get where he got, as he told the graduation assembly. If you think being President and avoiding responsibility for anything is easy, think again.

twice as hard.jpg

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But, doesn't his 1/2 whiteness reduce that back down to "I had to work just as hard"? Or is it 3/5's as hard? This racial stuff is beyond a rodents powers of reason.

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AP (Associated Potatoes) Press release, White House: Jay Carney was overheard this morning with todays talking points, "President Obama doesn't know. Nobody knows less than the President! That man is without a clue and it's likely to stay that way."

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From Steve Bowers: We know how these low-level employees run the government.


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"I didn't know anything about it."
"I didn't make that decision."
"The experts tell me."
"My advisors tell me."

From day one he has billed himself, not as a person of any knowledge and understanding, but as a man without knowledge or understanding whose decisions are based not on any contribution of his, but the insights of others.

He doesn't know anything. He does't decide anything. He doesn't have any knowledge of what's going on in HIS administration.

The question America asks: What do we need YOU for?

Obama, what do we need you for?