
President Orders Flags to Half Staff for Activist Dorner

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Dear Comrades,

On news of the heroic death of Social Justice Activist Christopher Dorner, Comrade Party Chairman and President Barack Barackovich Obama has ordered all flags to be flown at half-staff until his remains are brought to Washington DC for interment at Arlington National Cemetery. In addition, three days of official mourning have been ordered, and all non-essential Federal workers have been given paid leave to participate in tribute activities.

Comrade Dorner's social activism began when he witnessed the oppression and brutalization of a prisoner while he was working as a police officer with the Los Angeles Police Department.

When his pleas for justice were turned around on him and he was denounced by fellow officers to filing a false report, Comrade Dorner quickly escalated his grievance proceedings, leading to further persecution which eventually forced him to engage in armed activities for the sake of the workers and peasants of the USSA.

As aggressive and counter-revolutionary elements entrenched within local police forces resisted his valiant efforts to bring justice to the oppressed masses of Los Angeles, fellow union activists and Party officials spoke out on his behalf.

Comrade Charlie Sheen of the Screen Actors Guild endorsed Comrade Dorner's heroism and offered to assist him in struggle, while Party leader Comrade Jesse Jackson also offered his support.

On hearing news that Comrade Dorner died in an accidental fire at the cottage he was staying at while writing the second volume of his manifesto, Comrade Obama was reported to have said, “If I had a brother who was completely black, he would have looked like Chris.” However, the President is still in grief and has offered no official statement at this time.

Comrade Dorner was a loyal supporter for Comrade Obama, and spoke out against the bourgeois attacks on the President. Many expected that the President would mention him during the State of the Union speech given last night, but news of Dorner's death reached to the President after his speech, which was universally received as a history and visionary soliloquy.

The Department of Social Justice is expected to begin a formal investigation, and patriotic citizens are encouraged to denounce police officials who they know to have oppressed Comrade Dorner.

Justice for Chris Dorner!
Purge California police of reactionaries and counter-revolutionaries!

Faithfully submitted to the Collective of the People's Cube,
Comrade Nomenklatura-climber
Dialectical Progressivism Translator

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Chris Dorner was an Activist for Human Rights. Same as those that I've seen in Albania and elsewhere.

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I'm waiting for the T-shirts. This guy could be the new Che for a younger, hipper, lower information generation!

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Commissarka Pinkie wrote:I'm waiting for the T-shirts. This guy could be the new Che for a younger, hipper, lower information generation!

Comrade, the Current Truth ™ has been revised while the Ministry of Information waits to see which way the political winds will blow (by sticking their thumbs in the air or other places.)

News Media Scrub Cop Murderer's Manifesto of Pro-Obama, Hillary, MSNBC, CNN, Gay, and Anti-Gun Comments


Once the Party-preferred narrative (fighter for Social Justice ™) takes root amongst the shitheads fertilized minds of the masses, these references will be air-brushed back into the official record and the T-shirts and posters will shortly follow.

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Just as the Left forgot the atrocities of Lenin, Mao, Che, and even the Petty Bourgeoisie-born Activist Bill Ayers' 'minor incidents,' so they will soon forget the cold-blooded murders of a man who, ultimately, toed the Party Line™.

In fact, I bet he will end up in a Top 40 song within a year.

My guess is also that the LAPD will eventually find his accusation 'credible,' though they will not go after the officer he accused because the LAPPL (the police union) will close ranks against Chief Charlie.

That is where this will get interesting.

Police unions are part of the union movement, but grudgingly. They like the massive pay hikes they have received as 'heroes' of the First Response, but most cops are socially conservative after dealing with failed policies in the streets.

If the Great Left decides to canonize Dorner, this may cause a labor movement split, as many cops (and firefighters for that matter) are afraid of losing their pensions and are awakening to the fact that the union movement has been using them to overburden the entire municipal and state pension system by giving their 'preferential' benefits to all the rest of government employees, which is now bringing down the system.

All the while, they are seeing, as this case brings out along with other fabricated 'police brutality' cases, that they are utterly expendable when it comes to the Great Left's overarching goals.

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Myself, for a T-Shirt I rather liked the concept of "Don't Drone Me, Bro!" as so eloquently rendered by Shovel 4 U :)


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Justice for Chris Dorner! No justice, no peace!

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Waiting for a collection of pictures of his victims with the inscription "Faces of Hate." I'm sure somewhere in the Great Left, that is perculating...

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Shantel Cardiel (L) and Frank Cardiel hold up signs in support of fugitive triple murder suspect Christopher Dorner along the road in San Bernardino, California n February 12, 2013. Fugitive former US cop Christopher Dorner exchanged gunfire with police near a Californian ski resort where his burnt-out truck was found, reports said. DAVID MCNEW/AFP/Getty Images ... r-jacking/

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I'm not so sure.
I think I saw his pickup truck earlier today and there were no police around to shoot at it.
That is not good.

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I'm not so sure.
I think I saw an orange Ford pickup truck earlier today and there were no police around to shoot at it. It's almost the same as the one he drove.

He was in disguise as two little old white ladies, but that didn't fool me.Where are the cops when you need them?
That is not good.

A post on the glourious collective of facebook:

Christopher Dorner is still not caught? It's time to do something about our weak and ineffective police force. The answer to this is simple: Drone strikes. When someone commits a crime, we just drone strike them. We could save our country billions by not having to pay and train police officers and deal with complicated court processes. Some people might object to this saying that it's "cruel" or "inhumane." The answer to this is also surprisingly simple: If you don't want to be drone struck, don't commit crimes. I believe it would lower our crime rates, and we could use the extra money from disbanding our police force to expand our military so we can finally rid the world of all terror and force freedom upon everyone.

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Crispy Dorner, anyone?


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Uh, Oh… someone's got some ‘splainin' to do!


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Red Square wrote:Crispy Dorner, anyone?

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In another LIFE IMITATES THE PEOPLE'S CUBE moment, a Marxist-Leninist faction on Tumbler have a Dorner-worshiping page with this poster.

Judging by the logo at the bottom, they believe that Dorner's murders of people in California may somehow be related to advancing something or other in Africa.

Ushanka tip to El Marco


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Oops! Damn memory hole! The dog ate my manifesto.


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It might be a little late to have Mr. Dorner's back, unless you are using a Dust Buster.

dorner dust buster.jpg
dust buster.png