
Professor posts instructions on how to Topple Monuments

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Sarah Parcak is a professor at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. She is also a Guggenheim Fellow.

Professor Parcak was so moved by the rioters and looters this past weekend that she posted instructions on how to rip down and destroy government monuments.

Sarah Parcak.jpg

While she protects ancient sites from looters, there is no compassion for fellow Americans who were having their heritage erased.




The University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) has released the following statement :

“These are not the opinions of the university. Our 45,000+ students, faculty and staff often use social media to express thoughts that do not necessarily reflect the voice of the university. If a public comment by a member of the campus community needs to be addressed by Student Affairs or Human Resources, it would be. However, personnel and student conduct matters are addressed privately between the individual and the institution.”

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Wait a minute...

She's an Egyptologist...

Wasn't Egypt, like, the original salve state?

And wasn't their slavery also based on race??

And here she is, defending racist Egyptian obelisks celebrating racism and Egyptian nationalism!!!

Doesn't make her...
oh, I don't know...
what's the word...

Komrade Grendelssohnovovich

p.s. Please korrekt my thinking, komrades, if need be. I have been subsisting here in the basement of my mother's subaquatic cave on two month old air, the occasional stale Danish, and whatever started growing out of my toilet-paper stockpile about three weeks ago. Man, have I been having some krrrrrrrayyyyyyyzzzzeeeeee dreams after supper, man!

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If you wrap your Danish up in cellophane and put it inside a Tupperware container on the kitchen counter it will keep better. Don't put it in the fridge, or leave it where it catches direct sun.

It also helps if you take the chain-mail off of them before you wrap them up.

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Ivan Betinov wrote:It also helps if you take the chain-mail off of them before you wrap them up.

Thanks for the tip, komrade.

Could that account for the sparks in the microwave, too?