
Protect MyOpic Vision with Obama-Glass App by Google-Glass

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Protect Your MyOpic Vision with an Obama-Glass "app" by Google-Glass.

Fear not, my faithful LIVs with MyOpia, despite false claims of "cures" promoted
by Tea-Partiers, you know not only that there is no cure for "MyOpia" but also
that no one with good sense wants a cure even if one were to exist. As I've always
said, "Under MyObamaCare, you'll get to keep MyOphthalmOlOgist, and even better,
MyObamaGlass (a universal 'app' for GoogleGlass) will enhance your life
experience by providing proper stimuli for your MyOpia."

--Doctor Obama

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We need for President Obama to close the "Glass" gap because Vladimir Putin has already proven that Putin-Glass seems much more powerful than Obama-Glass.

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I have had my special Democratic Hypocritic Peoples Glasses for many a year... or last week, well, whatever.

Heil Hussein!, etc. etc.

Dear leader has his own, which allows him to view and see nothing but his own glorious self!
