
Protesters at burials of Defenders of the Motherland

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Comrades, I regret that I have misgivings and questions. If at an honoring and burial of one of the defenders of the Motherland, a gaggle of dissidents were to assemble and protest, say, the importation of western style depravities (t-shirts and Big Macs come to mind), would they not be on the express train to the farthest and coldest Gulag? How then do the Amerikans allow these protests and not penalize such persons? Is there no sense of decorum or even manners? Are there not enough shovels produced in capitalist factories to keep their citizens busy enough that they have time for protest? Those who defend the party should be honored and those who are veterans of our victories in the Great Wars even more so. Such ponderings cause my head to hurt. спасибо (thanks...)

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Tovarichi wrote:Comrades, I regret that I have misgivings and questions. If at an honoring and burial of one of the defenders of the Motherland, a gaggle of dissidents were to assemble and protest, say, the importation of western style depravities (t-shirts and Big Macs come to mind), would they not be on the express train to the farthest and coldest Gulag? How then do the Amerikans allow these protests and not penalize such persons? Is there no sense of decorum or even manners? .....

Dear comrade, you are apparently missed the most pointed point. These protesters are smearing and degrading their own God, i.e. Christianity, so it is therefore mandatory that we proud Progressives must see the gloriousness of their ways and protect their protected speech! The only god allowed is our dear Leader!

"Newsweek editor Evan Thomas brought adulation over President Obama's Cairo speech to a whole new level in 2009, declaring on MSNBC: "I mean in a way Obama's standing above the country, above – above the world, he's sort of God."
If these comrades were speaking out against Obama, then we would say it was unprotected hate speech, which should be banned. See??

>OFF> And Welcome to the Cube, new comrade!

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Comrade Tovarichi,

These unemployed proles representing the Peoples Christianity™ at the funerals of fallen military workers are granted the freedom by the Regime™ to voice their greivances in such a way as to not only denigrate and revile those military workers, but also to show despisal and utter contempt for their 'god' of choosing. Since their 'god' of choosing isn't Obama, then it's OK to carry on in such a manner.

You see, comrade, in the Progressive World of Next Tuesday™ there isn't any 'right or wrong'; only the glorious moral relativity that keeps us all in synch with sameness and equality. As Progressives, we must never lose sight of the beauty of the 'god-given' equality we all equally share that is Constitutionally protected. Therefore, it's completely within reason, and politically korrect, that members of the Peoples Christianity™ say what they will without regard to decorum or circumstance because the illusion of offending those they are offering their point of view to is just another indication that the process of moral relativism is still underway, but not yet complete.

As Progressives, we are free to express our views and beliefs as long as they are in line with political zeitgeists, current truth and the conventional 'wisdom' of the day. As for the Peoples Christianity™, the greater honor is enacting their freedom of moral relativism even over the graves of fallen military workers. There can be no exceptions.

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Danke, Frauline. It's a pleasure to serve the State from this location.
You and Comrade Winny have a deeper understanding that I had not yet developed. Perhaps my tinfoil hat was not adjusted properly at the Akademy. My question was intended to increase my own knowlege, that I might be a useful contributor to the collective. As information becomes knowledge and knowledge becomes power, With your assistance, I become closer and closer to re-taking the rebel breakaway republiks and low countries. But first, my flask is empty, I must go stand in line for my ration.

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Yes, welcome Comrade Tovarichi. You brought up a very important point Comrade. The issues of decorum/manners are being defined as I speak. This has been a very difficult task and one that We the Government do not take lightly. The problem at it's core is this business of Freedom of Speech. The question then becomes how do we retain these rights and yet root out the perpetrators of Hate Speech? It is a matter of definition as our Dear Fraulein and Comrade Whinny have pointed out and we are in the process of crafting legislation that will address those definitions. Hopefully, when the Civility, Respect and Understanding act of 2011 is passed we will at last have a resolution.

Eyes Only
Definition of Hate Speech: Anything right of the far left.

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Tovarichi wrote:Danke, Frauline. It's a pleasure to serve the State from this location.
You and Comrade Winny have a deeper understanding that I had not yet developed. Perhaps my tinfoil hat was not adjusted properly at the Akademy. My question was intended to increase my own knowlege, that I might be a useful contributor to the collective. As information becomes knowledge and knowledge becomes power, With your assistance, I become closer and closer to re-taking the rebel breakaway republiks and low countries. But first, my flask is empty, I must go stand in line for my ration.
ah yes, dear comrade, I like the way you are thinking (and unthinking your previous thoughts). It is always best to be submissive to the most power Progs in one's vicinity, is it not. Progs are nothing to ever be trifled with... but are always ready to correct everyone else, since we do know best. Carry on!

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Gospodin Grigori, I am alarmed at the lack of manners and civility displayed by the youth of today. They do not wear uniforms to school, they pay no attention when standing in que because they are singing Michael Jackson from an ipod, I recently heard a boy of nine tell his mother "no" when told to carry her parcels. Mama would have walked me home holding all parcels, and she would have towed me home by the ear, awaiting severe punishment and re-education when Papa got home. Correct another's young one? I've been told to mind my own business! Astonishing. In old days, the party's business was EVERYBODY's business. But I digress...

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I too say Привет товаричи!

But surely, you know that the Rev. Fred Phelps is one of our most loyal supporters. He's a bit inbred but quite effective at causing chaos in the Evil Empire of Amerikka. Furthermore, the Westboro Baptist Church gives the proletariat the view of true Christianity, which of course they should repudiate as soon as possible.

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(Fred is especially helpful as a spokesperson, demonstrating the right way to handle journalists and radio show hosts who ask him questions....hang up on them when you are asked to defend your views. I mean, why should you defend your views, especially when they are the correct views.)

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спасибо Царевна, See you around the farm!

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The high court pointed to the real problem, funeral goers are not sensitive enough to the wants and needs of the poor protestors. What do they think these are closed family only events? The circumstance are the opportunity for whatsoever protest is on the public plate at the moment. These may even become re election venues with solicited donations.