
Red China the World's Most Materialistic Country??

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Strong Communism MUST defeat weak Socialism! The People's Republic of China, according to a recent survey, is now the World's most materialistic country! What has happened to the once vanguard of Communism? Can we re-educate the once proud educators in Communism? We must Comrades, we must!


China Confirmed Most Materialistic Country In The World

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Looks like those crazies in PRC are not the only "gold nuts"...


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Of course all the proles in the PRC just have to have the latest in counterfeit items. Why, I'll bet the "gold" in that car above is even counterfeit. I wonder, when the proles in the PRC look at the bottom of the things they buy, does it say made in China or is there another country who makes stuff cheaper and crappier than them?

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Capt. Commie wrote:Of course all the proles in the PRC just have to have the latest in counterfeit items. Why, I'll bet the "gold" in that car above is even counterfeit. I wonder, when the proles in the PRC look at the bottom of the things they buy, does it say made in China or is there another country who makes stuff cheaper and crappier than them?

All products sold in the PRC must first be graded on quality and appropriateness for proletariat consumption. Certain items are retained for additional "testing" by higher authorities. The remaining products are then inspected for labeling accuracy by The Ministry of Labeling Standards. Finally, all qualifying items are labeled "Made in PRC" and distributed to merchants for sale to the public. All remaining non-qualifying products are retained for closer inspection and testing by officials. Yes comrades - to each according to his means.

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We are at war with Eastasia! We always have been!

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The Chinese have become reactionary! The Party must act for glorious future of Socialism!