

User avatar
I was just finishing up another acclamation concerning our Dear Leader Barack Obama,
when yours truly needed to get up from my keyboard and visit the facilities to " do some business".

After all the paperwork was completed, I suddenly realized that I haven't been constipated since Nov. '08 !

Apparently, his stimulus package has been working all this time.
( thanks also goes to Nancy and Harry )

Imagine the money I've been saving all this time on laxatives.......
Money that can now be used to help fund his re-election !

" Change is "

Man, that is stink'n brilliant.

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You know, Comrade T., the President works quite fast. I remember back a year or two when it was announced that he considered NASA's greatest mission to be that of an outreach to all his muslim bretheren.
Fact be told, I almost didn't make it down the hall !

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Comrade Krasnodar: I am glad that you have found a way to "give back" what Comrade Clunker's Obama's stimulus package has been shoveling out.

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Good old Krasno, Always there to his spread his assets and redistribute his bottom line toward those beneath him...

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Comrades! This is like, you know, amaaaaaaazing!

You guys, with whom I have the utmost respect, took the placebo! That is: Some smooth-talkin', jive-ass, B.S.!

Even the most clogged prog opens up with Drano! Just like Nanski did draining the swamp!


I am downright PROUD to be in your midst! Truly! You did it on your own! I love you! (Sniffle!)

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Tovarichi .... I learn from the best.
OuthouseWOSTO sm.jpg

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" Some smooth-talkin', jive ass, B.S. "

I can work with that !

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brewer-obama - Copy.jpg
Krasnodar wrote: " Change is " Man, that is stink'n brilliant.
OFA_DA wrote: That is just what Gov. Jan Brewer was saying to Obama.

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Krasnodar wrote:Tovarichi .... I learn from the best.
OuthouseWOSTO sm.jpg

It saddens me to think that there are citizens of the world who do not receive the same treatment that Dear Leader (PBUH) gives all of us. How do they even wake in the morning, and furthermore, why?

Dear Leader should be ruler of the world, as is the deepest dreams of Lord Soros. Next Tuesday™ can't get here soon enough.

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I too have found the stimulus to be quite uh, stimulating. Nope, no Viagra in my system since the stimulus bill was shoved down our throats passed by Dear Leader. (Well, there has never been any Viagra in my system at all, but I'm trying to make a point here.)

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Obama-Step in sm.jpg

Thanks to Comrade Red Menace for the slogan !

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All ideas are property of Party™, comrade Kras!

Image That's cool!


It's Dr. Utopia to those in the know........ as they used to say back in the '50's

User avatar's safe to say that Dear Leader scares the crap out of Krasnodar?

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@Comrade Ivan Betinov:'d think that Comrade Krasnodar would be quite constipated if his bowels moved like dear leader's economy...

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@Comrade Red Menace:

We are up to our necks in the change that we have all stepped in....

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[img]images/clipart/Prog_On.gif[/img] Does Dear Leader scare me ? You betcha' he does !
[img]images/clipart/Prog_Off.gif[/img] Remember when somebody disagreed with him concerning matters of policy and he told him " I'm keeping score, brother " ?

What's do you think is going to happen to people on his shi_ list after November 5th ?

Win or lose, Dear Leader will be signing executive orders faster than the way people go through ketchup packs at McDonalds.

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Krasnodar wrote:[img]images/clipart/Prog_On.gif[/img] Does Dear Leader scare me ? You betcha' he does !
[img]images/clipart/Prog_Off.gif[/img] Remember when somebody disagreed with him concerning matters of policy and he told him " I'm keeping score, brother " ?

What's do you think is going to happen to people on his shi_ list after November 5th ?

Win or lose, Dear Leader will be signing executive orders faster than the way people go through ketchup packs at McDonalds.
I, too, have pondered this frequently, as have many friends. Unbelievable! (my prog is off as well)