
Romney (spit) Picks Stupid Running Mate

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Presidential candidate Mitt (spit) Romney today announced that he has made a choice for a running mate, and a stupid and ugly one at that - Paul Ryan.

To show how stupid this Ryan is, just look at him in a photograph next to someone who is smart:

Obviously, there is no comparison. I couldn't find a photo with Vice President (and MENSA member) Joe Biden and Paul Ryan together, so this one will just have to do. Frankly, seeing the Vice President next to this "Ryan" would be almost overwhelming.

If anyone needs any further proof of how stupid Paul Ryan is, just listen to him trying to tell Dear Leader there's something wrong with ObamaCare!

Comrades, we have nothing to worry about come this November. These Rethugglikkkans don't have a clue, and that's not even counting the fact that Dear Leader is making sure that most of the military can't vote and all the dead people we have on our side!

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Furthermore, Mr Stupid Ryan is far too inexperienced to be VP. Unlike Dear Leader in 2008, his Congressional record is nearly empty. How many times has he voted, "Present," for instance? I can't find a single example. NOT ONE!

He's not ready. What a joke. Probably doesn't even golf.

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I just knew that whoever Romney picked for a running mate, it would have to be someone who's either stupid or evil, because there are only two kinds of conservatives--stupid and evil.

All he did was put up a big wheel, half of which was marked EVIL and the other STUPID. Then he spun it. But I think the arrow must've stopped in between, because I happen to think that Paul Ryan is also evil. He wants to throw old people over the cliff and take away all our free stuff.

That's not only evil, it's stupid.

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Breaking News:

Leading Party Astroclimatologists warn that the heavens will rain fire and brimstone tonight and possibly the next two evenings in response to the Ryan selection.

Astroclimatology experts call the phenomenon DARK SYZYGY, in which two bodies of extreme evil align and trigger catastrophic galactic events. They also claim the term helps to win a lot at Scrabble and Words with Friends. In any case, the scientific consensus is that the alignment of the two uber-evils, Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan, is the direct cause of this disaster.

Critics of this theory claim that the phenomenon is no more than the annual Perseids meteor shower. They have been summarily denounced as astroclimate change deniers and thought criminals.

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That's right, Pinkie! Both stupid AND evil, but also UGLY!

Jay, tell Pinkie what she's won!

This behind the scenes photo was taken clandestinely as the Romneys entered round 3 of their selection of a running mate last night...

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You can bet Dear Leader is celebrating tonight because of Paul Ryan.

Maybe not .......

Which is a real shame, since he and Ryan have such a warm, working relationship..... :)

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Ha, ha, ha.... Romney has no imagination, picking a boring white guy to run as VP. Dear Leader would never do anything so silly.

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We must quadruple our efforts so these capitalists pigs not win in November! The thought of it is horrible! So save up those boxtops from your favorite Kasha breakfast boxes, around 2,000 of them, send them in to your local DNC office and get tickets to go to the Democrat National Convention. There will be plenty of vodka, borsht, Kasha and great entertainment. The highlight will be this great music group filled with former KGB and factory workers who got together to make some great music. Here is one from there 2012 new album called "Hail to the USSofA!" Enjoy!!!!

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If the Ryan pick proves that His Mittness has a truly conservative tilt to his is governing intentions, we collectivists are home free. Too many citizen snouts rut in the public trough to ever accept home cooking.

public trough.jpg

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Precisely, Comrade Peoples Comrade - a most splendidly equal example of why it's so important to propagandize educate them starting at a very young age, starting with the public school system right through when we cement their progressiveness forever into their impressionable young minds in universities!

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Pinkie, I really like your fugue alternating between stupid and evil. I'm with you. There are only two sorts of qualifiers: them and us qualifiers. Not they and we but really, in prog form, us 'n' them.

If we like it, it's progressive, or intelligent, or moving forward, or leaning forward. If we don't like it, then it's evil, or stupid, or radical, or extreme.

But bear in mind the Golden Rule of Proggery: there are no crimes, only criminals. So bad words are for people who are not us. Good words are for us.

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Komrade UberProg Theo,

Your words are like hearing MSNBC speak the truth about itself.

( I'm having a hard time wrapping my sombrero around that one........)

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Ahhh, but Kras - can you sink your teeth into it?

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Rumney has made careful picks in the past, one hand for the nose the other for his posterior. Extreme care must be taken not to confuse fingers!!!