
Run, Don't Walk, From The Party Of People's Feces

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I don't care how much we love Communism, Socialism, Marxism, Collectivism, Proletariatisim, etc. Do we want to be the country of Fecesism?

I have to draw a line in the sand on this.

Run, don't walk (but watch where you step) from the People's Party of Poop.


There are about 7,500 homeless people living in San Francisco according to the city, which will spend nearly $280 million this year on housing services for the homeless.

Breed said San Francisco's high cost of living cast the city's homeless onto the streets.

“About 70 percent of the people estimated to be homeless in San Francisco were actually housed in San Francisco before they became homeless,” she said. “We have to make sure people who live here, [and] sadly, people who are homeless here, that they are also held accountable for taking care of our streets.”

It's unclear how Breed will hold public defecators accountable. She said Friday that harsher penalties for offenders are not on the table.

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When you add "People's" or "Democratic" to anything, it becomes a good thing.

The way to argue this issue with Trump supporters is to declare in an affected voice,

"These are the People's Feces!"

Or "These are the Democratic Feces!"

Or, better yet, "These are the People's Democratic Feces!"

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Clara Illbustyourballs Zetkin wrote: ]There are about 7,500 homeless people living in San Francisco according to the city, which will spend nearly $280 million this year on housing services for the homeless.

I watched with amusement about two decades ago when the Peoples' Democratic City of San Francisco instituted this homeless policy. They were going to "help" these poor unfortunates by paying them. At the time there were estimated to be maybe 500 people living on the streets and they were going to pay them each $300/month so they could get decent food and a place to sleep. Mostly, they wanted to get them off the streets and away from City Hall/Civic Center where they all seem to be drawn like moths to the socialist flame. The program, even with administrative costs, was budgeted at about $2M per year.

I was amused because, understanding the evil corrupt principles of capitalist economics, I predicted that this would not help, but would instead cause the problem to skyrocket. After all, if you want more of something, subsidize it.

Homeless people streamed into the city from all over, registering for this largess. The problem did, indeed, get much worse. The biggest impact is in the main branch of the San Francisco Library in Civic Center which is now dubbed "the Homeless Hilton" thanks to its large lavatory facilities on the main floor. Trust me, you don't want to be in there, especially in the winter when they're all trying to dry their socks using the hot-air hand dryers...

- SK

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I have written a new ditty for San Fecesco. Let me try it out on you guys.................(clearing throat)....Mi, Mi, Mi, Mi, Mi.........where's my accompanist.......there he is........ hit it maestro........

If you're going to San Fecesco
Be sure to watch for feces everywhere
If you're going to San Fecesco
You're gonna meet disgusting poopers there

For those who come to San Fecesco
Summertime will be a poop-in there
In the streets of San Fecesco
Homeless people defecating everywhere

All across the nation people need medication
Bowels in motion
There's a whole generation Ok with street defecation
Bowels in motion bowels in motion

For those who come to San Fecesco
Be sure to watch for feces everywhere
If you come to San Fecesco
Summertime will be a poop-in there

If you come to San Fecesco
Summertime will be a poop-in there

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I am wondering ... Could not shoveling this excrement be a wonderful opportunity for all those documentless persons who (we are told) are longing to do the jobs that Americans won't do?

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RedDiaperette wrote:I am wondering ... Could not shoveling this excrement be a wonderful opportunity for all those documentless persons who (we are told) are longing to do the jobs that Americans won't do?

And in a related question:

Curious rodents want to know why politicians and other homeless advocates aren't required by law to follow their "charges" around the city with pooper-scoopers the way pet owners must?


Craptek the Curious

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Glorious news. There will be enough of The People's Inhalant for all to enjoy once properly fermented.It's a shovel ready production line in the making.