
Say it ain't so!!!!

POLL: How to steal the election!

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Comrades and other useful idiots,

Most disturbing news. If Gallup is korrect then the teabagger fly over states are going to dominate the election! Even progressive Oregon has been indoctrinated.

Gallup state numbers predict huge Obama loss

Screen shot 2012-02-01 at 9.41.29 AM.png

What shall we do? Take the poll. Vote early and often.

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Comrade, I am sure ACORN will register and submit ballots for enough Mickey Mouses, Adolf Hitlers and Dallas Cowboys voters to swing the requisite number of states needed to reverse this fraudulent result.

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Oppose all oppressive Voter ID laws! The undocumented "workers" shall give us the edge!

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Tovarichi wrote:I'm staying upwind of the Necro-occupiers.
I wonder do Necro Occupiers ™ poop in public? Or does one being dead forfeit those inalienable rights?

My dear Brother in Mao, Infidel Castrate, there is no doubt our unalive necro-comrades cannot preform the most holy of acts, defecating on the Rethuglican-corporate "flag", due to their non-living state. However, they will be glad to have their sex organs party-approved reproductive tools severed and placed on the flag. I'm sure that the Sacred Feminine will smile at the environmental improvement when the corpses have decomposed.

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You can never go wrong with the Tried and true Necro-proxy voters. I'll try to round up a bunch of our formerly ambulatory Canucks and send them across the river. And yes I now know that they cannot swim...

I'll find another really, I will. Eventually.

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darski wrote:You can never go wrong with the Tried and true Necro-proxy voters. I'll try to round up a bunch of our formerly ambulatory Canucks and send them across the river. And yes I now know that they cannot swim...

I'll find another really, I will. Eventually.
Getting the formerly ambulatory Canucks transported here ... slide them down the Niagra Falls. That would be fun.

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Comrade Infidel C: As you know our one true party is always in control..... we present the illusion of choice but in the end either an Obama or Mitt Romney presidency will be a victory for us.....

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darski wrote:You can never go wrong with the Tried and true Necro-proxy voters. I'll try to round up a bunch of our formerly ambulatory Canucks and send them across the river. And yes I now know that they cannot swim...

I'll find another really, I will. Eventually.
Undocumented necro-voters crossing our northern borders! Won't the Rethugglikkans wet their panties over that one! No fence to climb, the largest undefended border to be heaved across, already accustomed to (and victims of) socialized medecine...and they VOTE! (just tell them it's a referendum and they'll que up nice and proper...)

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Tovarichi wrote:
darski wrote:You can never go wrong with the Tried and true Necro-proxy voters. I'll try to round up a bunch of our formerly ambulatory Canucks and send them across the river. And yes I now know that they cannot swim...

I'll find another really, I will. Eventually.
Undocumented necro-voters crossing our northern borders! Won't the Rethugglikkans wet their panties over that one! No fence to climb, the largest undefended border to be heaved across, already accustomed to (and victims of) socialized medecine...and they VOTE! (just tell them it's a referendum and they'll que up nice and proper...)
ObamaCare 2012.jpg

Be sure to let our Canadian "volunteers " know that lodging will be provided.

And doughnuts !

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Comrade Darski,
Tie together the more recently disabled necro-proxies (the ones which have blown up some) to use as a raft to get the rest over. Problem solved!

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Dear Leader (pbuh) has created yet another Shovel Ready ™ project for the masses... digging up more undocumented necro-proxies! My leg tingles with the mere thought of it...

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Red Menace wrote:Dear Leader (pbuh) has created yet another Shovel Ready ™ project for the masses... digging up more undocumented necro-proxies! My leg tingles with the mere thought of it...

Czarina Debbie shares your tingle and raises you a shiver.

Copy of motel-hell-560-thumb-560xauto-28076.jpg

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Krasnodar wrote:
Tovarichi wrote:
darski wrote:You can never go wrong with the Tried and true Necro-proxy voters. I'll try to round up a bunch of our formerly ambulatory Canucks and send them across the river. And yes I now know that they cannot swim...

I'll find another really, I will. Eventually.
Undocumented necro-voters crossing our northern borders! Won't the Rethugglikkans wet their panties over that one! No fence to climb, the largest undefended border to be heaved across, already accustomed to (and victims of) socialized medecine...and they VOTE! (just tell them it's a referendum and they'll que up nice and proper...)
Image Be sure to let our Canadian "volunteers " know that lodging will be provided.

Yes, since Bushitler caused the Katrina mess that Dear Leader™ cleaned up those FEMA trailers are sitting idle. Excellent idea Comrade.

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I edited my post above. As an added incentive, doughnuts will also be provided.

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We have been betrayed! In New Hampshire and South Carolina necro-voters allowed themselves to be photographed in the voting process.
The only relief obtained was they did not divulge whom was voted for by the white face voters. This was not a racist statement!

Comments on the State of the Kollective campaign address:

Old, tired cliche's we all heard in the last speech marked the evening, except that shout-out to the croney capitalist solar panel companies like Solyndra that need protection from the Chinese. I don't know how many people noticed, but the Communist Red Chinese blew a hole in Karl Marx' Communist Manifesto's promise ( and the promise of the Occupy Movement) that, once you get rid of all private property ownership, capitalistic competition, the source of all human misery will vanish from the face of the earth and the whole of humanity will live in a non-competitive uptopia ruled by roving bands of armed civilians whose Godless Communist moral baseline (obvious oxymoron alert) will replace the whole of the judiciary, lawyers, the courts and administer justice as soon as they see it, kinda like in those Muslim countries I guess.

This, of course, is supported by that once misunderstood reference to pitchforks that Obama threatened in the US Chamber of Commerce speech. Who knew that an American President would quote Stalin in a policy speech? I knew the Democrat party was going bad when I left it, but I had no idea it could go this bad.

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Shovel 4 U wrote:Czarina Debbie shares your tingle and raises you a shiver.
I do believe that those are shovel-ready votes being provided by Dear Leader and "Deadly" Debbie!

Remember - the end ALWAYS justifies the means, comrades!