
Scrub -A- Dub - Dub!!

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It is with a heavy heart that I must report that the "One Nation Rally" web site has scrubbed all of its Communist and Socialist references! It appears that they have borrowed the patented "Obama Scrubbing Bubbles." The product that kept scrubbing and re-writing the blatant lies minor inaccuracies off of Obama's "Fight the Smears" website. Just what were they so ashamed of??


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Proletarian Robot wrote: Just what were they so ashamed of??


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The useful idiots having served their purpose have been wiped from the collective memory by the Current Truth.

(fortunately Red Square has archived the evidence for posterity)

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Well this is going to be challenging. We may have to give in our shovels in favour of hammers so we can build the World's Largest Closet ™ to hide all those commies in now that they are on the outs again.

Sure is annoying. It's kinda like those Kapitalist Glockenspiels; watching the Great Unwashed come into and go out of style. any word from the future about when they will be allowed to be seen again?

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Proletarian Robot wrote:Comrades,
It is with a heavy heart that I must report that the "One Nation Rally" web site has scrubbed all of its Communist and Socialist references! It appears that they have borrowed the patented "Obama Scrubbing Bubbles." The product that kept scrubbing and re-writing the blatant lies minor inaccuracies off of Obama's "Fight the Smears" website. Just what were they so ashamed of??

Comrade, Don't you know the rule that you must NEVER admit that you are a Communist.

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I repeat: "I am not a communist. I only want everything to be fair."

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Groucho Marxist wrote:I repeat: "I am not a communist. I only want everything to be fair."

Indeed Comrade, Social Justice for all!


Have you got your hat yet? You must order now as the Party has already begun to take the deductions from your union paycheck.


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Stalin in Framework .jpg
Reiuxcat.... This is wonderful....the collective can even personalize this art piece as a continual reminder that the Party IS the truth.

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I must give most loyal Comrade Marxist a small denouncement. We must not rebuke who we are - there is pride in communism, is there not?! We They are the only one's who "care for the little, common, working peoples", just as Comrade Harry Reid has said. All true peace, equality and fairness, comes from communist! (isn't that what Alinsky taught??)

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I disagree Frau. Groucho is right. We are never to expose our political leanings. Once people know we're Communists we can't advance our policies by pretending to care about the environment, or the whales, or the climate or gays or undocumented alien voters or even the children.

We have come so far by hiding our true agenda behind front organizations that advocate fairness and social justice. Thanks to proud outspoken comrades I fear we can no longer disguise our true intentions. For the first time the simple people see us for what we really are.

We shouldn't have exposed ourselves until after we outlawed elections. Now the people have the opportunity to reject us before we've had a chance to solidify our lock on power.

(hold me, I'm scared)

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Comrade Whoopie wrote:I disagree Frau. Groucho is right. We are never to expose our political leanings. Once people know we're Communists we can't advance our policies by pretending to care about the environment, or the whales, or the climate or gays or undocumented alien voters or even the children.

We have come so far by hiding our true agenda behind front organizations that advocate fairness and social justice. Thanks to proud outspoken comrades I fear we can no longer disguise our true intentions. For the first time the simple people see us for what we really are.

We shouldn't have exposed ourselves until after we outlawed elections. Now the people have the opportunity to reject us before we've had a chance to solidify our lock on power.

(hold me, I'm scared)


Yes the road to The Glorious World of Next Tuesday requires patience, we must boil the frog slowly.

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I won't denounce you for correcting me, Comrade Whoopie, but I will notify Whoopi and Joy and spit (spit). We are talking amongst our OURSELVES, are we not, and not making mutterings among odd strangers or the unprog's. THEREFORE, I am still in the right and you are still unright wrong. (spit) Infidel Castrate, do you have a new recipe for frog??? Please share. They're very good with beets.

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I will pledge allegiance to my government that flies the flag of the United Socialist States of America, and to the republic for which we have contempt as a war mongering, imperialistic, greedy, homophobic, and bigoted nation under what ever power or not you choose to subscribe or not subscribe, but in all ways inferior to our Dear Leader who distributes wealth, health care, liberty, and social justice to all.

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Fraulein Pulloskies wrote:Infidel Castrate, do you have a new recipe for frog??? Please share. They're very good with beets.

Fraulein, Perhaps this fella would appeal to your taste buds? I must alert Peta ... ... alive.aspx


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Comrade Marxist, that brought a tear to eye!!

Alert PETA!!? On a fellow comrade?! If you try that I'll be forced to boil your beets, Mr. Castrate!

(of course altering PETA, SEIU, ACLU, ACORN, the New Black Panthers or dearest Leader himself is of no err on any of our parts but something encouraged by all the Czar & the WH, but I might suggest this is not the time nor place for such . . . by the way, if you are in need of a fine home cooked dinner and a taste of the best vodka, do please, give me a call!)

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Fraulein Pulloskies wrote:Comrade Marxist, that brought a tear to eye!!

Alert PETA!!? On a fellow comrade?! If you try that I'll be forced to boil your beets, Mr. Castrate!

(of course altering PETA, SEIU, ACLU, ACORN, the New Black Panthers or dearest Leader himself is of no err on any of our parts but something encouraged by all the Czar & the WH, but I might suggest this is not the time nor place for such . . . by the way, if you are in need of a fine home cooked dinner and a taste of the best vodka, do please, give me a call!)

Hello? Hello? Fraulein?


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Comarde Reiuxcat, I told the cat, ketchup has no kets cats in it!! Get him off the phone!!

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It is always good to hide our true intentions in:
Social Justice = Equality
Environmental Justice = Equality
Resdistrubtion of wealth = Equality
Fairness Doctrine = Equality
Rich paying their "Fair Share" = Equality
Race relations = Equality
Gender Issues = Equality