
Sorry, Gil Scott-Heron

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Sorry, Gil Scott-Heron, but the revolution IS being televised.

The most obnoxious part of it is the pundits of all stripes expressing their shock and dismay at the storming of the Bastille Capitol building. They grieve over the violation of the sacred edifice but spare not a moment to comment on the jackass Congressmen and Senators who have been defiling that edifice with their greed and womendacity and corruption for decades.

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It should be no surprise when Leftists imply or state that a government building is "sacred," because the Left has long sought to replace religion with government. Mark Steyn makes some good points here:

"The media may be sentimental about the Capitol, but in my unscientific survey of my North Country neighbors the people aren't. Congress has an approval rating that falls somewhere between Isis and child pornographers. Pundits and politicians can wax mawkish about “the people's house” but you'd be hard-pressed to find one in a thousand citizens who's ever used those words in a non-contemptuous sense – and most of the other 999 would assume that the phrase referred to some long-term care facility Andrew Cuomo moves the old folks into for his Covid express checkout.
"I was surprised that even politicians and pundits could utter all that eyewash about 'the citadel of democracy' and 'a light to the world' with a straight face. It's a citadel of crap, and the lights went out long ago: ask anyone who needs that $600 'relief'…"
— Mark Steyn