
Tawdry and Extramarital

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A tawdry extramarital affair as chief of the CIA is very, very dangerous for our country, a matter of national security. General David Petraeus had to go.

Tawdry extramarital affairs as a Democrat President of the United States? Not so much. It's only sex and none of our business.

This has been another exercise in making perfect sense of the unexplainable, unfathomable, and inexplicable progress forward. Don't question, greater minds are in charge.


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R.O.C.K. in the USSA wrote:Could it be because of the Cuban cigars?
More like proportionally low expectations. Clinton surprised no one. Petraeus shocked all but about two people.

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Simularly, Klintone's affair was applauded and heralded as "Everyone does it. What's the big deal?" and made to be nothing more than a "witch-hunt" by salacious, sex-obssessed rethuglikkkans in order to keep Herr Schleikmeister in office.

Patraeus' affair was "acceptable" as well — as long as it didn't interfere with hurting the election in order to keep a socialist in office.