
Ted Cruz Makes Startling Announcement

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In a political war pincher move, Ted Cruz (Texazistan) announces he would accept the Democrat Party's nomination to be the Democrat Presidential Candidate.

"All Democrats, and even some Rinoblicans know Donald Trump is a pathological liar who doesn't know a thing about being the Chief Executive of the USSA. Trump's Tariff idea is nothing like anything Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, or John Jay ever considered for funding the Federal Government created by The Constitution. We all know Trump must be stopped from inflicting Trumpy MAGA ideas on a nation struggling under Bidenomics. The DNC needs a candidate who can beat Donald J. Trump.

There will be unbound delegates at the DNC National Convention. I initiated a deliberate sneak attack process to unbind Rinoblican State delegates from their original charge in an effort to stop the pathological liar, Donald J. Trump from becoming President the first time. I am uniquely qualified and positioned to bring that kind of leadership to the Democrat Party that is currently in search of a candidate who can deliver ultimate defeat to Trump and his MAGA terrorist supporters.

Heidi and I are now in open discussion with Ron and Casey DeSantis to forge an alliance that can bring Democrats and Rinoblicans together in this current void of oppositional leadership against Trump. We ask for your monetary support and pledges to assist in gathering unbound State Delegates of Democracy into a voting coalition to sweep in as the only viable Democrat Ticket at the Democrat National Convention in Chicago. It is time for Democrats and Rinoblicans to unite in an effort to save the USSA from another Trump Presidency. We look forward to cashing in on the support of Democrats and Rinoblicans uniting together in this time of intense national need.

Thank you! "

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Ted is sure gonna look silly when President Trump wins for the third time this November.

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Ted Cruz spokesperson says “It’s up to Democrats to listen to what Ted has to offer in this Democrat Party leadership vacuum.”

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Ted Cruz will be contacting Tom Friedman later today.

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Ted Cruz, in an attempt to show that he has the Democrat Party's best interests deep in his heart, says, dumping the Biden/Harris faces of the Democrat Party before the National Convention is a no-brainer. Ted understands the Democrats need to pick a winning face for the upcoming Democrat National Convention. After "The Debate", the Democrat Party is viewed by over half of registered citizens of the nation to be a dumpster fire blazing on a cracked infrastructure foundation featuring utter contempt for others. On life support, headed the same dodo bird extinction as the original Federalist Party. A lot of registered citizens view the faces of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris to indicate the Democrat Party is over, and has nothing to offer a normal family of 5.

Ted Cruz knows finding a winning face is all it takes to bring Democrats back from life support, to then go on to defeat Donald J. Trump. Ted is certain of one thing, it's a big task to put an end to Trump, and his MAGA terrorists. Ted's got one of the Democrat Party's salvation faces! 

Ted sent this trial balloon one ping outline to The Press:
Cruz then outlined how Democrats would convince a reluctant Michelle Obama to run while acknowledging two possible impediments.
“The impediments are twofold. Number one, Michelle says no, number two Joe Biden says no,” he explained. “On the Michelle says no, I think you’re gonna have Barack coming to her, I think you’re gonna have a lot of Democrat kingmakers coming to her, and the pitch is gonna be ‘Michelle, you need to save America.'”
“‘Michelle, we need you. Michelle, if you do not step forward, Donald Trump is going to be president. Michelle, you are the only person on planet earth that can save the world from a Donald Trump presidency.'”
Ted went on to add, "I've tried to stop the Trump presidency as hard as any Rinoblican ever could; struggling to inhibit Trump while declaring success to Texazistan. Just remember, that if Michelle says No!, then all the DNC non-profit has wasted is cash to print those voter registration mailers with Michelle's picture on the front."

"This is just a heads up to let the Democrat Party know that I'm also looking out for the DNC's interest to "Stop the Orange Man Bad", as well.  Let's all get together ----with Heidi and me, and see how we can make this work both ways... for all of us." ... l-replace/