
Texas Wymenz Stand With Wendy

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At the southern front of the Republican "War on Women," the Texas Senate just passed an abortion bill that is said to be a reaction to the Gosnell case. What the hell is the Gosnell case? I haven't a clue.

No worries, State Senator Wendy Davis is down there rallying the troops, and stopping the right-wingers from putting their hands on our wymenz vag jay jays.


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Two days nearly 1000 views not a single comment. Interesting. Could it be I created a magical graphic that disables the keyboards of all who view it? If so... WINNING!


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One of the downsides of creating powerful illustrations is that NO explanatory words or comments are necessary.

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Hmmm I never thought of that. Still winning, right?

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When I saw your depiction of Sweeney Todd a few months ago I could actually hear the wheels turning in his head by looking at his face.

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Superkommissar Maksim wrote:Two days nearly 1000 views not a single comment. Interesting. Could it be I created a magical graphic that disables the keyboards of all who view it? If so... WINNING!

Comments don't have anything to do with anything. Whoever gets the most "shares" wins.

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Is that one of the new stylish colostomy bags she is wearing? Where might I find one please?