
Thank god for Joe!

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While dear leader collects his whits after Jim Lehrer's disgraceful failure as a member of the MSM to moderate the debate correctly, it's a relief to know that Big Joe is standing in the wings ready and willing to take his sharp wit and encyclopedic knowledge directly to the coming battle with Paul Ryan. Big Joe may have his shortcomings but neither enthusiasm or willingness to tow the party line are one of them. This is why we have a #2 after all. Let's just hope his performance is not a #2.

Biden Obama.jpg

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We can count on Joe to take this debate right to the rethuglikkkans. He will clean that "math boy's" clock. I'm so confident in Joe's superior abilities that I propose to all comrades a beet vodka drinking game for every "gaffe" Joe should happen to utter. There will be a lot of sober comrades, I'm sure.

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Image Vice President Biden has begun answering questions through cheap ventriloquism, using his forefinger and thumb as a puppet. Marvels a White House staffer, "He barely moves his lips now."

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In support of your post, I'd like to make a musical tribute to our dear Joe Biden! Seriously! This video kicks some serious butt!

Cool Joe, Mean Joe, Killer Joe! Every diverse person joins in! Do I see Utopia, or what?
Dig it Comrades! Yeah!

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RocketSurgeon wrote:
One good Joe deserves another!
How could I have ever passed this one up? Sorry, Rocket Surgeon.Outstanding!